Indian in the Machine #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

Well, the antichrist doesn’t really hate, as much as despise.

He knows he needs inferior people around him, because THAT is the source of his power… THAT, and money.

He will only consider you to be worthy, if you support him and listen to him.

You may notice something about the antichrist that has been obvious from the beginning:

There is no joy, in that kind of power.
There is no money that is enough.
He’s not really putting US, first.
It’s getting rather annoying, and now outright dangerous.
Folks… the man who rules the world, is not chosen by other humans, nor by himself.
It is ridiculous and childish, to think one inherits the earth via capitalism and colonialism.

Now you want to know what the antichrist finds delicious about your death?

Pretty much nothing.

Dead inside, you see.

Nothing is enough.

No tears are shed.

Lack of feeling.

A numbness.

If your life is shitty it’s your fault.

If you traded in your DNA for a donut, your fault.

If you believed the sales pitch for the mystery needle, your fault.

He’s got really no remorse.

Millions maimed from the jab he promoted… not one tear shed, not one fuck given.
A parasite doesn’t experience regret, for attacking the host.

One can think of the ultimate non-living parasite to be a virus.

A virus is nothing but faulty computer code.

The antichrist is running on faulty computer code.
He already turned the military into androids… the ones he claimed to lead and to put, first…. soooooo I hope you are getting the picture, at this point… the drone army is just over the horizon and either you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be dealt with.

His friends turn people who disobey, into happy meals… the ones who obey will eat you.

And you think I’m being negative to point this out?

Nope, it’s positive to help people free themselves from genetic slavery, mutation, financial terrorism, bioweapons and nanoparticles…. things the antichrist just never gets around to talking about.

Fresh_werks #ufo #conspiracy

The YR4 asteroid will possibly hit earth 12/22/2032, the Mayan calendar ended 12/21/2012. Maybe the Mayans were off a couple decades almost to the day, it’s estimated the calendar came to be in 3114 BCE. 20yrs over a 5100+ yr timespan is 0.4% which would be incredibly accurate given where technology was at the time.

Candace Owens #conspiracy

Emmanuel Macron arrives into Washington D.C tomorrow.
President Trump and VP Vance should bring me to the table.

Macron is a groomed weakling who should not be welcomed anywhere that adult decisions are being made.

Better to deal with his perverted husband.
1:59 AM · Feb 24, 2025 · 3.6M Views

The Emerald Green Dragon Tribe via Caroline Oceana Ryan #magick #ufo #conspiracy

What role do Dragons play in our and Earth’s Ascension process? And in what dimensions do they reside?​

The Emerald Green Dragon Tribe answers:

We can say, we would not be here so powerfully at this time on Earth’s current timeline, if Earth and humanity had not long ago called us forth!

In truth, we have never left.

Yet the increasing vibration of Earth and millions of Her people now, have made possible a more conscious collaboration between humanity and various races of higher vibrational beings.

We are one such race, invited to be a part of this great moment of Transformation.
You are aware that there are varying levels of “reality” in Earth life.

This includes higher dimensional forms of what you see around you right now.

In some ways, due to the power of the quantum field, at any one time there are numerous timelines, offering many variations of your own life, and of your planet, solar system, galaxy, and Universe.
As mentioned earlier, there are those of us who long ago fell into low vibration.

And these ones have indeed been violent toward Earth and humanity. Yet be aware that even these ones serve some greater purpose, though they do not know it!

If you see or hear of a dragon lighting up a hillside, building, electrical tower, or something else with their fire, purely for the sake of destruction, we assure you—they do not serve the Light!
You are beginning to realize that you can understand what a baby or someone speaking a foreign language is saying, by using your intuitive understanding of their intention, and the energetic transmission behind the sounds.

You are beginning to recall what it is to hear very high vibrational tonal frequencies.

You will hear them at times, even now, as a high-pitched ringing in one ear.You are becoming more sensitive and aware of these energetic downloads.

And you are remembering how to use tonal frequencies to shift the energy of any place or situation you are in.

David Icke #wingnut #conspiracy

Musk just said the ‘singularity’ is imminent when artificial intelligence goes beyond human intelligence – exactly the Trump-Musk-Big Tech Cult plan to take complete control of human society, thought and emotion which I have warned about for decades. This is the truly pathetic response of Alex Jones – typical of MAGA mass psychosis – who has promoted and arse-kissed the very cabal that seeks to impose total AI control and is in the midst of trashing the old Cult system so it can be replaced with the new one that will delete what’s left of freedom in its entirety. Why do you think humans are being fired en masse? To replace them with AI. Yet Jones and MAGA cheer and orgasm. Jones begins with the obligatory eulogy to Musk that makes me fit to puke calling him a ‘smart’ genius across the board when he’s just an X-posting, video-game-playing front man and yes man for those really running the show. He treats Musk’s statement as a warning from his master rather than what it really is – a Big Tech statement of intent.

Jones and MAGA are so completely invested in their God-Kings that when they piss on them they say it’s raining. There is no writing on the wall, no red flags or red flashing lights, that could possibly be big enough to make them rethink.

Meanwhile, Musk and co go on rolling out ever more AI in the unfolding takeover – the very AI they ‘warn’ about while people like Jones fall to their knees in homage to their 13-year-old ‘true visionary’. Are we getting it yet? The intelligent will, but the rest …?

New Order #wingnut #racist

[From “History and Organization”]

The NEW ORDER is the dynamic embodiment of the Movement of Adolf Hitler in North America. It is a vanguard organization with a spiritual dimension, a party of light in the truest sense. It represents a continuation of the struggle for a new world which began in 1919. It bears the special legacy of a special mission bequeathed to future generations by the Leader himself

With the personal martyrdom of Adolf Hitler, as well as that of his followers, in 1945, the National Socialist movement entered a new international phase[…]Numerous attempts were made to meet the challenges of this new reality. Most notable here in North America was the pioneering work of George Lincoln Rockwell in raising the fallen banner of National Socialism[…]This was a dramatic move that inspired an equally important event: the formation of the World Union of National Socialists[…]
When Lincoln Rockwell was martyred in 1967, his faithful lieutenant, Matt Koehl, stepped forward to pick up the torch of leadership in the US and Canada. He was also named as commander of the World Union. At that time, the Movement in North America was operating as the National Socialist White People’s Party[…]
On January 1, 1983, the NEW ORDER replaced the NSWPP as the organizational vehicle for the Movement[…]
Such invitation is only extended to men and women of Aryan-European race on the basis of acceptable racial and moral credentials, a proven record of effective activity on behalf of the Movement, and a lifetime commitment to our Cause[…]
The road to membership in the NEW ORDER is not easy. It begins with a personal decision to devote one’s life and one’s destiny to the sacred Cause of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist struggle for our Race above every other consideration[…]
The New Order does indeed represent the future. The remarkable thing is that the future is already firmly rooted in the present – and that you can be part of it. The decision is YOURS

littleowl12 , MatchaMeercat & Leithriel #transphobia

When you try to speak sense to the volontairement stupide!

( littleowl12 )
Tolstartheking is an all-star moron:

Have you ever read “first they came”?

I've come to hate this poem. It locks people into supporting things that they don't believe and may even harm them, and it honestly feels like a cult-coercion tactic. "Take my side or they'll come for YOU. You must obey me, because the rest of the world hates you more than I do."

Lethonal's response (I used only this part):

Believe it or not, abortion access is not the priority of every woman in the United States at the moment, some women believe being able to organize and define who/what women are in law is, because you can't write laws that protect women if a woman cannot be adequately defined in law. Conversely, laws cannot be written that harm women if women cannot be adequately defined in law either unless you do the patriarchy a solid and only attack women on the basis of their reproductive ability. Are you really going to fault feminists for playing chess on these issues when everyone else is trying to make them play checkers?

Abortion is a very big deal, but I like his analogy that we now have to play chess instead of checkers.

( MatchaMeercat )
Also there is only so long the Democrats can dangle that particular carrot without actually doing anything to enshrine reproductive rights into federal law before their “protection” rings hollow.

( Leithriel )
I don't disagree. But how can one defend women's reproductive rights without language that allows us to protect women? I get what they are saying but I agree that abortion access is a paramount issue for women.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

<multiple links removed for space>
The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:

Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?
As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:
The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:

As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.
The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy

Emotionalism was conquering reason, rationality and even reality right up until the inauguration of Trump 47.

Next to Darwinism, Freudianism is the best friend Marxism every had. Everyone in worlds of entertainment, journalism, politics, corporate America, etc., who has the bucks to afford it has laid down on the couch of a psychoanalyst, poured out his emotional problems one by one, and after each problem was asked, "And how do you feel about that?"

Every problem, including non-problems, are emotionalized today. How you feel about something is more important than what something is.

Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC and the bitch, bitch bitch squad, along with practically the whole news media and most of Hollywood nobility, are trying hard to enrage the Marxocrat Party voter-base to violence, at least assassinations if not an actual revolution against Trump, Elon Musk, the whole new Cabinet an all of us MAGA voters. To overthrow the election and the government.
Emotion has been driving Protestantism since 1517 at least, as shown in the Emotionalizing Religion treatment. Now, following on the heels of the Destruction of Liturgy, widespread Treacherous Cronyism including Crony Catholicism, the new Protestant Mass, and all the mostly homosexual clerical sexual abuse scandals, we see a Pope and what appears to be a majority of Bishops preaching Emotionalism rather than Christ.

They love, "walk-with", "affirm", "accompany", and welcome into the Church, to all the sacraments, to the Communion Rail, abortionists, sodomites and the whole menagerie of the LGBTQ+ "community".
The USCCB and the Francis Vatican are in cahoots with the Marxocrat Party to smuggle in dope, sex traffic victims, gangs and terrorists into America, and the Francis Vatican is in cahoots with the UN, the WEF and the EU to do the same thing to Europe and the UK.

They will feel better, emotionally, when the whole world is DEI, Woke and LGBTQ+, like them.

renegade and guest #racist

[Main Post]
jews Created MAD Magazine to Rot American Culture
jews have been subverting White Western culture for a very long time now, and one of the many tools they used to do it was MAD magazine.
Jewish “humor” is almost never sophisticated but usually very vulgar and often relies on bodily functions and sight gags. I remember as a kid in the 1960s one issue of MAD had a record that had a song with burps and flatulence. I hadn’t thought about it since until seeing this article and wasn’t sure whether I remembered it correctly as I was only about 5 at the time. Then I found it on Youtube.

Marcel Qbalendendonck #wingnut #crackpot

HANDS UP🥰✌🏻🐸1️⃣7️⃣💖
2 THANQ ALL 1 JK =109
EPIC FILM 77 =150
YES FAITH JOHN 3 1 6 =150
2 JUST SEES 13 Q =150
A JK=22
MAGA =22

Tartarian Talisman #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy

In the Bible, Noah receives a message from God to build an ark to save his family and two of each animal.

God said to Noah,

“I am going to destroy all flesh because the world is full of violence. Build an ark of gopher wood, with rooms inside, three decks, and a door. Cover it inside and out with pitch.”

The notion that his ark was built in the Middle East starts to unravel here. There are no gopher wood trees in the Middle East—gopher wood can only be found in a small area in the southeastern United States.

So, did Noah’s ark float all the way to Turkey, eventually landing on the mountains of Ararat? Or did it end up somewhere else perhaps one of North America’s great mountain ranges, like the Rockies or the Sierra Nevadas?

Perhaps this is why Noah’s ark has never been found.

For some time, there have been rumors that America was the true ancient Egypt. Now, this is purely speculation.

But this does lead me to wonder about the ancient red seas of California. Could Le Mar Rouge, cataloged by Battista Agnese and early cartographers, be the very sea that Moses parted all those years ago?

Let’s look at the similarities between the promised land and America.

It’s an interesting thought. Let’s examine this area and see if there are any biblical references.

Interestingly, we see “Canaan“ appearing in relative proximity to the Great Salt Lake—the alternative name for the Promised Land now surfacing in an unexpected location.

Look at this fellow, E. E. Callaway, a researcher in the 1950s, who believed there was:

“Unimpeachable evidence, which conclusively proves that the Garden of Eden was located east of the Apalachicola River, between Bristol and Chattahoochee, in Liberty and Gadsden counties, Florida.”

I’m not saying biblical events took place here in America. But I will say this the evidence is compelling enough to suggest they may very well have. Perhaps the “cradle of civilization” has emerged more than once, in more than one place.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist


Panel 1: Black comedian on “Def Comedy Jam” says “Black neighborhoods be violent”
Panel 2: All-Black audience laughs; one says “True dat”
Panel 3: White MAGA has charts up and points to one; “Black neighborhoods are violent”
Panel 4: Gang of Black thugs glower menacingly; “That’s racist”, “Let’s kick his ass”

Alternate version, not posted on the main site:


Panel 4 now has the White MAGA chained to a very tall post with a sign saying “Racist White Supremacist Bigot” above him. He appears to be screaming, despite the bonfire being in the background and apparently not actually burning him.

James Joseph Rodden #racist #wingnut #psycho #forced-birth

Fear of[…](ICE) raids began to spread the day after President Donald Trump was inaugurated[…]
That same Tuesday morning, an X account with over 17,000 followers named GlomarResponder made an ominous post[…]
These were but the latest posts that GlomarResponder has made over the years that suggest the operator of the account is an ICE employee[…]Texas Observer has identified the operator of GlomarResponder as James “Jim” Joseph Rodden, a 44-year-old who works as an assistant chief counsel for ICE in the Dallas area[…]
“America is a White nation, founded by Whites. … Our country should favor us,” GlomarResponder wrote last month. “All blacks are foreign to my people, dumb fuck,” the account posted in September[…]“Freedom of association hasn’t existed in this country since 1964 at the absolute latest,” GlomarResponder wrote four months prior[…]“I’m not a commie, I’m a fascist,” GlomarResponder posted a couple weeks later. “Fascists solve communist problems. Get your insults right, retard”

In August, GlomarResponder posted: “‘Migrants’ are all criminals.” Two months later, GlomarResponder shared an image that reads: “It is our holy duty to guard against the foreign hordes.” Some GlomarResponder posts evoke anti-immigrant violence: “Nobody is proposing feeding migrants into tree shredders,” the account posted in March 2024. “Yet. Give it a few more weeks at this level of invasion, and that will be the moderate position.” And in January: “My WWII vet grandfather didn’t get a chance to kill asians, so he volunteered for Korea. He’d be asking for a short term job with ICE kicking doors and swinging a baton”[…]
A year prior, the Jim Rodden Facebook account posted: “This is your periodic reminder that anyone who is trying to force a needle into my arm, or my son’s arm, can fuck directly off forever with the ‘my body, my choice’ bullshit”[…]
The Facebook account has posted about opposition to “red flag laws” that can restrict a person’s ability to purchase a gun

Juxtaposition1 #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Committee for Public Safety (combating NATO terrorism)
NATO Aerial attacks of 7G MESH Wireless Sensors combined with LED streetlights, Ring Cameras & SMART METRS are Hunger Game Detention warfare. A Public Safety Emergency exists.
Under Maritime Law, Military Marhsall Law, a State of Emergency now exists, a Hunger Game Detention Policy Alert:

Martial law in the United States refers to times in United States history in which in a region, state, city, or the whole United States was placed under the control of a military body. On a national level, both the US President and the US Congress have the power, within certain constraints, to impose martial law since both can be in charge of the militia.
"It's all a Game. It's a thought experiment. We're in the MATRIX." Erin Valenti

Santa Clara Medical Exam: Manic Episode cause of death is code for Gladio Murder.

Helicopters, drones, UAVs, turboprop planes, KC-10 Extenders & KC-46 Pegasus jets.

7G SMART DUST, 6G Terahertz EMF, LED Streetlights, voice activated rig cameras, Apple Sidewalk, Amazon Sidewalk, Fusion Centers, Stingrays, Dirtbags, DHS, NATO, DARPA, ITU, IEEE, DOE, DOD, FBI, CIA, Intelligence Agencies gone rogue.

Acute Care Hospitals, medical doctors, Registered nurses, Medicare, Medicaid, The District Attorney, Sheriff, local police, State Police, National Guard, Coast Guard.

SWISS NATO Airbases, local municipal airports are all cohorts in Chem Trail attacks.

NATO tactics: "Victory will be defined more in terms of capturing the psycho-cultural rather than the geographical high ground. Understanding and empathy will be important weapons of war."

Swiss Bank funded Biodigital Convergence, REAL ID, CBDC & Post-Humanity:

Why It Matters: Cognitive warfare is a structured and well considered approach to target the human cognition of individuals, groups and societies in a way that affects their decision-making processes and ultimately their behavior.

Texastreeman #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon

Ok ! Ok let’s dig into the puzzle being lay out in front of us.

Am just getting chills knowing what’s coming.

1. Pope death. Remember the real one past away couple of years ago. So to finish the movie. We need the double to past away.

2. Epstein list. Going to blow the child s*x t*********g wide open.
3. Fort Knox. All of us know that Bush family stole the Gold back in 9/11 as a distraction. Prayers for the families and our country when they find out the truth.

Ok but remember the alliances recover what Gold what was left couple years ago and took it over to Cheyenne mountain. Also remember the 650 plane load of Gold went to New Treasury and Cheyenne mountain. Where the future of the new restore of American Gold is safe.

We have to show fort Knox is empty this coming week. So the market, wall street will all crash and break the USD under the federal reserve and IRS.

With one big surprise to the world will cause the deep State, cabal to fall.

4. Dose and Elon is doing a great job on showing the mishandling of people’s money. Wasteful spending.

5. Distraction has to come next week. Remember February was the month to show the crimes with federal reserve, IRS. Government.
7. Iraq. Iraq is ready now. Remember everything had to go down at the same time. To give us a Distraction so Big. People will be watching news and saying NO. GOLD. NO GOLD. This gives Trump time for us to go 8-10 days to get in and out.

Before he announce to public. We will go on GOLD ASSET NOTE. THE NEW USTN.
I know many of you have never seen or even handle the amount of money you will be getting.

There will be a lot of new ideas pop into your head while relaxing. Write them down,but relax.

When you get back, set a appointment with your wealth Manager. The new ideas that pop into your head, may change some of your plans.

Remember everyone you never had this amount of funds before. Don’t go out and end up like the lottery people. Broke in 2 years.

ProxyMusic #transphobia

RE: Weird argument from a Democratic friend about Trump's EO on sports

Today a friend said that what's wrong with Trump's EO is: "It's one way, and that is unfair. It bans transgenders in women's sports but not men's sports." After I pointed out that "the order bans MALES in women's sports, not trans athletes..." her reply was that the EO, by saying only women's sports needs protection, is casting women as vulnerable helpless creatures and Republicans as their great protectors and she finds that false and offensive.


A new memo seems to gone out from TRA HQ to all Dems and trans "allies" in the USA advising them to use this line of reasoning as a new ploy. Coz I've seen the same exact nonsense today on a sports forum where I post.

The new line of reasoning they're using seems to be based on the assumption that there's something weak, deficient and shameful about being the member of a group that benefits from laws and policies that provide protections against

By their logic, all Americans should be embarrassed by the protections provided by the First Amendment, by the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and by the Environmental Protection Agency - coz they show us to be creatures who are weak and vulnerable. By their reasoning, laws that provide workplace protections mean everyone who works for a living, or has ever applied for a job, is weak and vulnerable; and wearing protective personal equipment or using a seatbelt is a sign of weakness and helplessnessness too. Having a homeowner's protection policy or product warranty means you're weak and helpless. And so on...

It's all nonsense.

Also, the only reason that the female category of sports needs protection is that boys and men and the gender idenity supremacy movement have mounted a full-scale attack and hostile takeover attempt on girls' and women's sports and spaces. Armed with phony baloney claims about gender identity, legions of aggressive, pushy, grabby, entitled, colonizing boys and men have plotted to pull off a full-scale invasion of the female category; and with the help of their "allies," males have attempt to colonize the female category and call it their own. The fact that the female category needs protection against boys, men and the GI supremacy movement as a whole reflects more poorly on them than it does on us.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Weird argument from a Democratic friend about Trump's EO on sports

( Hollyhock )
Trump said he would protect women regardless if they want it. So, she's just using this thing he said and applying rather than look at the actual reasoning for why men shouldn't be in women's sports.

Just ask her, "Do you think men should play on all women's sports?"

( astro_terf )
These terminally online women don't want to admit the reality that men are stronger period.

As for trans identified females, it depends on whether or not they have taken testosterone. If yes, they have essentially doped and can only participate in the men's category. Same applies to the trans identified males. Only the women's category is protected. The men's category is open.

( pennygadget )
I've heard this argument before. Most of the people who make it haven't played sports since middle school and don't understand what they're talking about or why Title IX was created to begin with

I like to ask these people this: If physical differences really don't matter, why not campaign to make ALL sports co-ed instead of maintaining male and female divisions?

The answer: TIMs don't do it because the colonization is the point. Its no fun if the sports teams are all sausage fests (which they would be if all sports were co-ed)

( syntaxerror )

lefty women can get upset by any attention to the athletic difference between men and women.

I understand the impulse to bristle when someone points out the true fact that women are physically weaker than men. I hated it for years when I was younger. However. I had male friends that proved to me from a young age that men are (easily) stronger than me, and I feel like that’s an important lesson for young girls.

Trying to pretend like these differences don’t exist will only harm girls and women in the long run, clearly.

Is it fair? No. It’s not fair that women are weaker, have to bear children. But it’s how it is, and we need to work as feminists with this in mind.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Exactly. It's a very important lesson, for their own safety. We need to learn that when it's important, we need to fight dirty.

That's why I hate these new superhero movies which ridiculously shows women beating men twice their size just by training harder. That's not how it works. Size difference is massive.

doodoocaca #pratt #transphobia

Creativity has been warped to serve The Message™ or completely destroyed. The amount of masturbatory paracosms that are being spun up where it's "you actually can change sex but you still go 'trans' to be cool and serve my ego but also people can be furries for realsie reals" is ridiculous. As far as discussions go, trans-jacking to make everything about muhtranzitiongoals or future surgeries or "morphological freedom" and hijacking the equally cringy "transhumanism" is rampant. They stick their noses into everything, demand everything be made about them, and demand to have furry ears added in too as the cherry on top.

Even if discussions have nothing to do with bodies or gender or sex or anything remotely biological, they'll say "I'm Vegan" by calling some mechanical thing "transition goals".

To think that WH40K went from a parody of Fascism and darkness to an escape from overwhelming liberalism and, in a sense, a positive fantasy. Hah.

Matt Walsh #wingnut

There had not been any major airline crashes in many years. Flying was extremely, almost miraculously, safe. Then the airline industry introduced DEI, and now we’re on our second major airline crash in two months. We’re supposed to believe that this is just a coincidence.
1:38 AM · Feb 20, 2025 · 1.2M Views

Andrew Tate #wingnut

Trump is saving America along with the entire western world by extension.

Kash, JD, Elon, Hegseth, Grenell etc are all helping him.

And these people STILL have haters.

Remember -

No matter how much good you do, or how great and important you are, there will always be some no name with shit to say.
4:06 AM · Feb 22, 2025 · 407.5K Views

Ariel (Prolotario1) #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon

We don’t have the revaluation yet.

We don’t have the Epstein list yet.

We don’t have robots in our home yet.

We don’t have the P. Diddy list yet.

We don’t have quantum computers on the market yet.

We don’t have free energy yet.

We don’t have flying cars on the market yet.

We don’t have teleportation yet.

We don’t have military Tribunals yet.

We don’t have food replicator yet.

We don’t have the hyperloop yet.

We don’t have AGI on the market yet.

We don’t have Med-Beds on the market yet.

We don’t have jump portals available yet.

We do not have healing centers in every community yet.

All of these things on there own is a monumental paradigm shift away from the old world. Do you not see where you are headed? You have not even begun to see what your world will look like in such a short period of time. You all have to mentally prepare for what is coming.

What will you do when you are no longer just surviving?

What will you do when you are no longer financially struggling?

What are you going to do when resources are no longer scarce?

What are you going to do when you will be challenged to be creative & artistic?

What are you going to do when money is no longer the currency to trade goods & services?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be an asset to your community?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be a good person?

What are you going to do when you no longer have the ability to say you can not do this or that?

~Change How You Think Before You Are Forced Into Something You Are Not Ready For

Sadanand Dhume #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist

If Indians and Pakistanis Can Relocate, Why Can’t Gazans?

President Trump’s idea that the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and relocate two million Palestinians has elicited outrage and derision. But even if the idea never comes to fruition, it has this virtue: It puts a spotlight on the world’s double standard toward Israel.

Many population transfers have taken place over the past century. In the 1920s, Greece and Turkey agreed to a forced population swap: Greek Orthodox Christians in Turkey moved to Greece, while Muslims in Greece moved to Turkey. After World War II, millions of Indians and Pakistanis were forced to find new homes, as were ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. In the 1970s, Uganda expelled Indians. Only in the Palestinian case has the refugee question festered endlessly.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal.

Mordechai Brafman #racist #psycho

A Florida man is expected to be arraigned on two felony counts of attempted murder Tuesday after he allegedly shot and injured two men he thought were “Palestinian,” according to Miami Beach police

Officer Christopher Bess, a spokesman for the Miami Beach police department, told CNN the victims were tourists from Israel

Mordechai Brafman, 27, was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida, late Saturday after allegedly firing 17 times into the victims’ car, injuring both the driver and a passenger, according to a police affidavit

“It should be noted,” the affidavit states, “that while in custody in our interview room, the defendant spontaneously stated that while he was driving his truck, he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”[…]
Both victims survived the shooting; one victim was shot in the left shoulder, while a bullet grazed the second victim in the left forearm, police records state

CNN has reached out to the Israeli consulate in Miami for comment

The Florida chapter of the Muslim civil rights organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called for hate crimes charges to be filed against Brafman over “statements to police that reportedly indicate an anti-Palestinian motive”

Elizabeth Nickson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Trump is right about Canada. At this point the country’s security has been so corrupted by its immigration policy, that China and the CCP are generally recognized as the most powerful influence in the country. Our west coast is now a staging ground into the U.S. for Triad and Cartel crime, human trafficking, meth and fentanyl. Vancouver and Toronto are the principal money laundering centres in North America.
Our existence as a nation is in danger. We are likely to fall in the next decade, either becoming the 51st state or completely ungovernable, crime-ridden, and more corrupt than any country in the so-called democratic west.

We are not alone. And the primary cause is immigration.
Our sisters, Ireland, the U.K., France and Germany are in the same state. They too are ready to fall, their debts insurmountable, their bureaucracies flatly criminal. Anyone rightly positioned, is on the take. Women and children are groomed and raped, killed, their bodies desecrated right in front of our police and they do nothing. IF the criminals are arrested they are released within months despite charges that would put a citizen in jail for life. Our beaches are now filth, our cities filled with Muslims screaming about the genocidal maniacs in Palestine, and our hospitals, libraries and university halls filled with homeless and howling migrants.
The immigration programs are a massive get-rich-quick for a quango of private and public interests aimed directly at the wealth of western society and against the men and women who built those cultures, and maintain them today. It was an attack on our mores, our morals, our values, our classical education — which built science and art as we know it. They choked our growth, they kneecapped our development, they starved our kids of opportunity and turned entire neighborhoods to filth, violence and child rape.

Elizabeth #transphobia

[On the film Wicked, which depicts male school pupils wearing uniforms with skirts]

I also went with my kids and their friends, preparing to sort of enjoy it, not prepared for the uniforms etc.

It also infuriated me. How dare authorities let this happen. Really. I know somewhere in there I sound like a bigot, but to me this akin to the creep of S&M into children's fashion. For any vulnerable child this would be disastrous.

And it WILL build the ranks of the TRA armies- from those ignorantly/lazily pseudo compassionate supporters to the radical supporters.

Unfortunately, the highly intelligent and talented are targets from being ostracised at a young age at school, and the neurodiverse, of which I am part of the ranks. These are children who think in black and white, believe what they are told or read online, are bullied mercilessly at school for their differences, have inabilities to self advocate or adequately defend against bullies, excel in music and drama and find refuge with other like- minds in music and drama.

I feel so so so so much for them and their families. Why the heck couldn't the movie'Wicked' highlight a whacking bunch of obviously autistic kids who end up heroes because of their strengths and special interests? THAT would be more compassionate and helpful than applauding a surface/ cosmetic difference that will inevitably harm kids.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger

Law of Vibration
This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. In and beyond the material realm and into realms in which everything is conscious living energy, is the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales into timelines. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of the source field, is the vibrational rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration in its contraction and the oscillation speed through which it expands, is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.

If the rate of that frequency-vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into its simplest and most basic form consists of a rate of frequency-vibration. At the highest levels and at the lowest levels, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own energetic signature, attributes and quality of manifestation.
The Law of Vibration is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix, and its ultimate governance by the returning Solar Logos.
Consciousness is Rate of Frequency

Energy is Consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its Rate of Frequency.

The process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the Vibration rate.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy

[From “How to make peace in the Ukraine”]

The Ukraine war is existential for Russia and Russians

Russia has no natural borders, and a long history of the unpleasant consequences of having no natural borders. America’s natural borders are the oceans, and it takes a very dim view of hostile foreign powers on the wrong side of the ocean. Monroe doctrine, Cuban crisis[…]
The events of the nineteen nineties, and the events following 2014 demonstrated to Russia and Russian that America and Nato are hostile foreign powers, that it needs buffer states. It may not be politically possible to create neutral buffer states, but if that turns out to be politically impossible, it is definitely physically possible to create ruined, desolate, and depopulated deserts

This is, of course, very unfair to the barking chihuahua states on Russia’s borders. Russia does not care. This is existential. Americans worry about democracy, Russians worry about security[…]
Unfortunately a major faction of Thermidor, and a major faction of the Trump cabinet, are unable to see how Russians see this, and are stubbornly headed into total war. They are going to see any peace that Russia might agree with as surrender and rewarding aggression. Which, of course, it is. Russia does not like the status quo of permanent low level war against Russia and hostile states aligned with a menacing and violent hostile power on its borders, wants to change it, and is willing to change it by violence[…]
So how can Trump resolve this mess without being so embarrassed, and looking so weak, as to break the Thermidor coalition?

I hope that Vance’s Munich speech was the tactic to accomplish this. Making capitulation a win:

It was obvious that the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government by the Nuland cabal in the Maidan events was unpopular in the Ukraine[…]
He is ready for enemies that kick over the chessboard, so we will learn if he really is playing 4D chess

various commenters #transphobia


( Mandy )
How will witholding hormones from men who claim to be women prevent women from getting the treatment they need?

( Alias_Rosie )
I really don't understand the logic leap here. It can be hard to get a diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis, but that's because a lot of doctors are misogynistic and/or undereducated in women's health, not because of executive orders and legislation. Like...what?!?!?!

( pothosvari_ )
It’s forced teaming again. They’re labeling treatment for endometriosis “gender affirming” I’m assuming which is incredibly disrespectful and condescending. Laparoscopies, birth control, vaginal ultrasounds etc aren’t “gender affirming”. It’s needed sex based care for a condition that affects women.

Ah yes, the notoriously under-diagnosed and under-researched pretty exclusively female sex-specific, often debilitating condition with very few treatment options available except cutting out tissue in severe cases. Imagine what might be possible with just a fraction of the funding that's getting thrown at gender ideology if it got put towards endo-research, potentially making a huge difference in quality of life for approximately 10% of women around the world. There might even be medical care to offer women beyond over the counter painkillers, heating pads, attempts to stop the menstrual cycle, or a hysterectomy after years of excruciating pain!

( shewolfoffrance )
I honestly think they especially enjoy extracting concessions from women who are already vulnerable or struggling. Women in DV shelters, female prisoners, girls and women in states of undress, etc. It's sadistic.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Think for many, part of their fucked-up pathology is a need to be seen as the biggest victim in the room, so they target those women and then demand they grovel put their real problems last in order to validate, validate, validate how much more important it is to give TIMs whatever they want.

( shewolfoffrance )
That's how they get power (on the left, at least): sitting on top of the victim totem pole.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They definitely exploit it, but think many of them get off on it too, whether sexually or it scratches some other mental 'itch' for them...or all of the above.

various commenters #transphobia

What to know about Trump's ban of transgender women from sports - ESPN

( Eava )
Transgender women aren't banned from sports. They can compete with the men.

( notsofreshfeeling )
It's interesting how liberals will say, "So few female athlete will be affected, so what's the big deal?" and in the same breath, "It's an absolute travesty of justice that these few transgender people can't play sports!"

Why is it that a few women do not matter, yet a few men matter enough to have a complete meltdown?

Edit: I'd encourage people to say in response to these meltdowns, "It's such a small minority of 'trans people' who are affected, so why do you care?" Just like they said to us.

( Itzpapalotl )
Not read the article but...what is there to know? No men in women’s sport seems pretty cut and dry 🤷🏻‍♀️

( Peppermint )
I came here to say this. Who other than someone with an agenda would make an article like this? The only thing to know is men aren't allowed in women's sports. Period.

( Pickles )

At the NCAA level, president Charlie Baker said at a congressional hearing in December that fewer than 10 NCAA athletes used the association's transgender athlete eligibility policy. More than 530,000 athletes compete in the NCAA.

Yep. It's pretty fucking wild that so many people in charge thought it was OK to remove access to safe and fair competition for over half a million girls so that fucking ten men didn't have to hear "no".

Sure, you can try to spin this as "hardly any men choose to make use of this wildly irresponsible and unfair abuse of the rights of women and girls", but i see it differently. Anywhere that allows boys to identify their way onto girl's teams is telling girls "you can have your own leagues if every single boy decides to let you retain it. However if even one boy want to take that from you he can."

( notsofreshfeeling )
Oh no, where will all the mediocre male athletes on wrong-sex hormones compete? So awkward! Female athletes don't need fair sports; we all know women just want to "be kind" and have everyone walk all over them. It's our nature!

Arenlaef, vulvapeople & crodish #transphobia

Democrat AGs tell doctors to defy Trump's orders and keep giving sex change surgeries to trans kids | Daily Mail Online

( Arenlaef )
I think the Democratic party may actually be fully irredeemable now. I was hoping after the election they'd cool it, but that one guy in Massachusetts tried by saying he didn't want boys on his daughters' sports teams and his own staff organized a revolt against him.

Republicans are never going to be women's friends or allies, but we clearly can't move forward with this current iteration of "left" either. We are well and truly trapped right now.

( vulvapeople )
All they had to do here was defer to the feds, and, if they're really dedicated to the trans cult, to lie in wait for the next four years. I guess it's good for the terven cause that they're showing voters who they really are.

( crodish )
so are "trans kids" getting surgeries that can't change their sex or not. I was told no "trans kids" couldn't be operated on until they were of legal age

but go ahead and insist you be allowed to multilate children

various commenters #transphobia

( Riothamus )
Will the Trump DOJ go back to publicly linking transvestic fetishism with pedophilia and other criminal behaviors?
Trump could score serious political capital to shore up his poll numbers as he dismantles the federal government. He just needs to release the TIM crime/prison stats and he can severely damage an entire generation of Democrats for going out of their way to enable obvious pedophilia and serial killer behavior.

And the fact that the government hides these stats from us only further justifies conservatives' distrust of it. Ugh.

Seeing the DNC election clown show made me wonder what it must have been like for a hypothetical Washington Generals fan to watch them rehearse the ladder play with the Harlem Globetrotters. This is not a serious party and it will not provide serious competition.

( Itzpapalotl )
I hope so. SO many serial killers, pedos and rapists exhibit transvestic fetishism. They’re all a bunch of pervs and freaks and I’m sick of society pretending otherwise. Trans is just a men’s rights movement for some very fucked up men to parade their sexual fetish around and force everyone to play along.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
30 years ago they made a Oscar winning movie about this behaviour. Now with the porn brainrot, I bet this phenomenon is only intensified.

( Elizabelch )
Will it actually help anything if they do?

Will it further women's rights?

Will it fix the economy?

Will it even make trans "go away" or just make them martyrs and push them further up the Oppressed Chain?

( Cattitude )
Reassociating male transvestism with other criminal paraphilias it clusters with must be a good thing. It's a massive red flag and should be recognised as such on all levels.

( OwnLyingEyes )
I would argue that the suppression of being able to 'name the problem' is always a women's rights issue, under any political climate.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Breaking Exclusive! Unmasking the Black Nobility: The Untold Story of Europe’s Most Ruthless Royal Houses—From Venice to London, No One Is Safe from Their Deadly Grip! Dare to uncover the terror they wield across the continent!

Who Really Rules the World?
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are low-level fronts; the Black Nobility holds the key to temporal power.

If this exposé appears overly complicated and indecipherable, that’s because it only reflects the opacity and complexity associated with the Black Nobility. What follows is an excerpt from the preceding link:

“…that the Venetian power will soon dump Britain as it moves its financial hub (City of London/Wall Street) into Dubai, the political power into Iraq and the spiritual power into the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, the international city of the New Middle East.”
Because the elite ruling families of the north have controlled the Italian Peninsula since the times of Marco Polo, national stability and/or disorder can only come from them. Sometimes known as the original Black Nobility, which is distinguished from the much more recent Black Aristocracy of 1870, these extremely wealthy families of banking and commerce have dominated the cities of Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Verona, Bologna and Florence since the late 13th century.

With this essential background it will be much easier to correctly understand just how rich the Black Nobility has become since the end of the 13th century. Obviously they were way ahead in wealth accumulation and accrual of worldly power by the time the Mayer Amschel Rothschild hit the banking scene in the second half of the 18th century in Germany.

Although known to but very few insiders, it was the Jewish banking families associated with the Black Nobility who set up the Rothschild empire in the first place. In this way they could use the “Red Shield” to hide behind, which the Black Nobility has done for two and a half centuries.

Ken S. #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

This prophecy fulfillment scheme is a project of the Kabbalist "Jewish" central bankers and their royal family partners in crime. It is being orchestrated by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist "Jewish" cult.

Chabad is a religious front of the Mossad, and it is focused on producing the globalist End Times show. It also has intimate connections to both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In fact, both Trump and Putin have large roles within their End Times script.

For Act 1, Trump has been cast to play the "Moshiach ben Yosef" (the precursor messiah), and Putin has been cast to play the "Moshiach ben David" (the main messiah).

And in Act 2, Putin's character will transition into the role of "Final Antichrist" to the globalists' fake Jesus, the "Kabbalah-Christ."

In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the real Jesus, the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the "Satanic deception" that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the "real Second Coming" they're also expecting.

Both fulfillments will feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments.

IN THE FIRST FULFILLMENT, the globalists will pit "the American Antichrist and his evil unilateral / unipolar NWO" against "the Russian Christ and his benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO."
IN THE SECOND FULFILLMENT, Putin's NWO will turn quite ugly about 3.5 years after it's launched, and it will become clear to everyone that they've been "deceived by Satan" into accepting the Final Antichrist in Christ's place. After 3.5 more years of "great tribulation," Putin will lead his UN army and ET pals against a second group of arriving beings, the "real Jesus" and his angels.

The Zetas via Nancy Leider #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Dramatic proof of Nibiru’s wafting tail causing Toxic Fog and monstrous Petrol Blobs so heavy they leak the dripping Petrol on those below have appeared in LA. All this is of course ignored by the Legacy Media who can offer no excuses. Beyond EMP assaults on airplanes and on the infrastructure below, what can mankind expect? Magnetics is heavily used in mankind’s devices, from door locks to the brakes on walkers for the disabled to on/off toggle switches.
Nibiru is a massive planet, 23 times the mass of Earth and 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. Needless to say its Magnetic field dominates when both the Earth and Nibiru are close to each other. The dominant field forces allegiance via magnetic resonance so the Earth attempts to align with Nibiru rather than align with the Sun – the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. This struggle between Magnetic Field Masters results in the zig-zag pattern in the clouds in this 2025 capture.
Defunding the USAid projects will reveal many illegal projects that have been formerly funded by the taxpayer via being laundered through USAid. The Chemtrail project, seeking to fog up the skies so the Nibiru Complex is not visible, of course is funded by the wealthy, who stand to lose the most by public awareness, but in some locales was funded by USAid funds. The small private jets that spread Chemtrails do not run on fumes, and repurposing them and suppling them with fogging chemicals is expensive. Thus there is a lull in Chemtrail activity.
There is a reason the Kolbrin called the smoke in the tail of Nibiru a ‘vile smoke” that choked those who were forced to breath it. So thick it seemed as dark as night but these descriptions were recorded close to the hour of the passage. Smoke inhalation is treated by staying indoors and the Petrol mixed in should be avoided likewise. These assaults by the tail of Nibiru will come and go but staying indoors with windows closed during an assault is the best advice.

Selwyn Duke #sexist #wingnut

[From “Democrats’ “Man” Problem: Trump Is an Alpha, and Liberal Beta Males Can’t Compete”]

Democrats have, apparently, a man problem[…]
Democrats have long relied on young voters as part of a winning coalition[…]
To the point here, however, the shift among young men — and some other male demographics — was striking. Men 18-29 voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 56 to 41 percent. Yet this was almost precisely reversed in 2024: 56 percent of young men supported Trump[…]
Moreover, other male, traditionally Democratic coalition groups saw a similar shift. Hispanic men voted Trump 50-49; the president also won 24 percent of black men, a figure unprecedented in modern times. The latter support appears to have only grown, too. Why, a recent poll found that Trump enjoys a 42-percent approval rating among black men[…]
Say what you will about Trump, he’s a man’s man. Also, the irony about liberals is that they once stereotyped conservatives as tightly wrapped nerds who’d outlaw fun if they could. Yet this has proven to be projection. Harking back to what James Carville said, the Democrats have become Dork Central[…]
It’s all part of the feminization of society and of education in particular. This has been discussed for decades, too, notably in Christina Hoff Sommers 2000 book, The War Against Boys. And is it any wonder that these beleaguered boys, now men, are rebelling against those who warred on them?

As for the women, the male/female voting gap among young people is wider than ever[…]
These women, like all women, are hard-wired to desire and respect strong men — whether they know it or not[…]
This makes sense, too, from a species-perpetuation standpoint. For finding a strong man who provides safety maximizes the chances a woman and her offspring will survive and prosper[…]
A study years ago already found that stronger men tend to be conservative[…]
The GOP has become the party of and for manly men — and the women who love them

VOTL 628 #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

I’m not sure how correct the below decoding is.

(Take this post with a grain of salt. This is just my guesswork. I hope I am wrong about this).

Grid Ratio failure has just been reported. This is not good news. It’s worth noting that the last time we saw this message was when the Aldebarans tried to contact the Chinese in June 2024. It led to them trying to destroy the Aldebarans in a secret space/underground war. This time, the timeline of cooperation of the Aldebarans with Trump/Musk might just have collapsed. In other words, the 30% probability of cooperation has probably dropped to 0%. Now, an Occult War for the United States might play out.

The time stamp of today’s post is “2:22”. It may or may not refer to Project 2227.


This is similar to what happened exactly 71 years ago (Feb 20, 1954). President Eisenhower was forced by the Jesuits to reject the treaty with Ashtar Command at Edwards AFB. This time they have sabotaged Trump/Musk.

My condolences, especially to the innocent citizens of the United States. a the United States was the last chance for cooperation, the road ahead will likely be quite bumpy. Hang on tight.

Victory of the Light!

Pedro Afonso #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger

The strategy behind this social change, which is now intended to be implemented through legislation, is to make people believe that gender ideology is scientifically correct. The theories of this ideology are presented as consensual and indisputable scientific data, but this is absolutely false. Nature has rules, and it is up to science to understand and decode them. Therefore, it is up to science to develop theories that help to reveal reality and not the other way around, as happens in gender ideology: a theory is developed and in order to validate it, it is sought to change reality.

The consequences of this conflict are clear to see. Never before have the minds of children and adolescents been so confused and confused. And this has nothing to do with freedom, but with indoctrination promoted by some parties that have ideologically taken over the State and want to re-educate the masses. In this context, this legislative proposal could not be more tyrannical: parents are expelled from the educational process, psychiatrists and psychologists are completely devalued, their skills being taken away, and minors become the “property” of the State, which, in educational and legislative terms, imposes on them a new system of values ​​based on gender ideology.

It is astonishing to witness such indolence in the face of an ideology that has become entrenched in society as if it were a dogma of faith. But this ideology does not express the truth of the human person. It is, after all, an ideological adventure, inspired by man's desire to control nature; in this case, man has decided to declare war on nature.

In sexual identity, it is not sensible to defend the absolute supremacy of the biological dimension over the psychological/sociocultural dimension. The ideal is for there to be harmony between the two, and it is unethical to provoke artificial psychopathological disorders through the dissemination of a radical ideology aimed at creating a “new man”. I consider it irresponsible for the State to encourage, in any way, the ambiguity of adolescents’ sexual identity, leaving them to fend for themselves, through a frivolous and irresponsible bill.

various commenters #transphobia

CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
According to the article, these are the banned words :

- Gender
- Transgender
- Pregnant Person
- pregnant people
- transsexual
- non binary
- amab
- afab
- bio male
- bio female
Found this linked in the TiM sub, they are making it about erasure of transgender from "academic literature"

( crodish )
oh my god this is so fucking refreshing to see. FUCK all this noise i'm so glad it's getting removed

sighing a bit that LGBT is getting dragged down again with this shit, drop the T already

( CryingInYourInbox )
Not so fun having your language policed and erased huh

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Feel for the students who got their grades demoted for not adhering to this nonsense. A LOT were punished to even use the words like biological woman when submitting a paper about gender ideology

( sohh )
This was me! I made a post here two years ago venting and asking for guidance when faculty tried to fail me in a class during my very first semester of grad school.

It’s been so tempting over the last ~year to email the professor and former TA as the TRA house of cards has collapsed in slow motion.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Well now we can just say male and female. No "BiOLoGiCaL" disclaimer needed

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, I had to argue hard against a peer reviewer to even include the distinction of biological sex; they were pushing for the more LGBT-friendly gender. Those using biological sex in papers are generally TERFY.

( vulvapeople )
There's a post on Reddit from someone claiming to work for the CDC describing their LGBT boss (all the letters even though she's a woman married to another woman) crying over the loss of "pregnant person" and similar language. It could be apocryphal, but, if it's true, it demonstrates that this "inclusive" language wasn't just about being nice to TIPs. These are dedicated cultists.

( crodish )
That lady should go up to a transwoman and gently apologize for this injustice done to 'her' 🙄 fucking handmaidens.