I mean absolutely no disrespect to God in any manner; but I sincerely believe that it is more than coincidence that Adam named a dog the exact opposite of how God is spelled. DOG spelled backwards is GOD! Next to God, dog has always been man's best friend.
[Genesis 2:19]
Could it be that Adam named a dog the opposite of God because Adam saw the love and loyalty that a dog has for his master? I am not likening God to a dog; but man to a dog, and God his master. If every man loved God as a dog loves his master, the world would be a wonderful place to live. Oh that men loved God as much as a dog loves his man!
That's it. Either kid-fucker is a massive poe or we finally have evidence proving that he's to retarded to be allowed too steward himself.
And by and large we earned and continue to earn that loyalty. When my dog shits on the floor I don't break her legs and toss her, alive, into an incinerator or kill her puppies in front of her as a warning. I merely bring her over to it, say a few firm "no"s and then clean it up. And when's the last time god took an injured homeless human to the hospital simply because it was the right thing to do? Or rescued a child from an abusive home so real parents could take him on instead? Funny how you never see stories like that. You see stories of humans doing those things while onlookers give the credit to their sky fairy, sure, but never the big guy, himself.
If this nonsense is the case you'd expect it to be true for every language. Except ueid isn't French for dog, it's chien, and it's a similar story for for pretty much every language in existence, including the languages that are actually Biblical in age.
Yet more proof humanity was not created by a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful god, because would such a god wilfully create a being stupid enough to believe Modern English was spoken in the Garden of Eden.
1) If you actually read the Bible, dogs are seldom man's best friend, but more like street dogs.
2) Proverbs 30:31 refers to a greyhound. For DJS's benefit, that's "dnuohyerg" spelled backwards.
3) The Hebrew word for dog is "keleb." Spelled backwards, it doesn't mean anything. Pretty symbolic, you could say, of DJS's output.
Apparently some Fundies do believe that humans spoke English until the Towel of Babel incident. This explains why God's only perfect word, the King James Bible, is in English. By the way, "regal" spelled backwards is "lager" which absolutely proves Adam knew that Budweiser was the king of beers.
right, he's not even capable of trying anymore, he's just doing the keyboarding equivalent of sitting in a corner flapping his pursed lips with his fingers going "bluhbluhbluhbluh" while drooling. call for the psych ward people, he needs back in his padded cell now.
"English existed as a language in year 4000 BC? Modern day English?"
You should see what AV1611VET posts about that subject. His answer is yes, but it was Elizabethan English, the kind that was used in the KJV.
Adam didn't speak English, dipshit.
I find it interesting that the Xian savior, Jesus, was named after my Mexican gardener. Now get that savior dude over here to prune my shrubs.
Hmm, let's put that to the test, shall we?
Latin: Deus - sued
Greek: ???? -S??d
German: Gott - Ttog
French: Dieu - Ueid
Dutch: God - Dog
Interisting how none of those spell the word for "dog" in the relevant language.
@EG: Actually, Dutch does not refer to dog as 'dog'. Unless it's a Dane, all dogs are called 'hond'. If dog was ever used in the Dutch language at all, it isn't anymore.
This is stupid even for David, but hey, it seems he likes dogs. Granted, he thinks humans should share their general obedience and credulity, but it's something...
So "God's" true secret name is Sinac Sirialimaf?
I think you need to give your Little Orphan Annie decoder ring another twirl, Davie.
David J. Stewart trying linguistics? Time to knock him down...
Let's see...Proto-Indo European (a language spoken IRL at the alleged time of Adam's existence) for "god" is "*deywós". Proto-Indo European for "dog" is "*kwon", Other then both having the letter sequence "wo" in it (not even the same type of "o"!), I'm just not seeing it.
But since "*deywós" in English is the name of a Heathen god (Tyr) who gave us the term "Tuesday", the English word "god" (and thus YHWH's name in English, God) comes from Proto-Indo-European "*ghutom", which also doesn't look anything like "dog".
But we don't need those sinful linguistics in our way, do we?
EDIT: FSTDT has trouble displaying Indo-European orthography, apparently.
"I sincerely believe that it is more than coincidence that Adam named a dog the exact opposite of how God is spelled."
1. Where does you complaining about "one nation underdog" come into this?
2. "Dog" comes the word "docce", meaning "muscle". Should we be calling God "Eccod"?
> @EG: Actually, Dutch does not refer to dog as 'dog'.
Never said it did (for the record: I am Dutch) - quite the opposite, in fact.
Uhhh...David? You do realize the whole story of Adam, Eve, the garden of eden, etc., is myhtical, and never really happened, right?
Next to God, dog has always been man's best friend.
Assuming David doesn't know any Latin, especially not the word "canis" and the English derivative "canine", he probably thinks the dog, i.e. the "K-9", is the patron saint of baseball pitchers because you can win a half-inning with 9 Ks.
Yep. Davey-boy's finally gone barking mad.
"DOG spelled backwards is GOD! Next to God, dog has always been man's best friend."
Bastet/Sekhmet in ancient Egypt. Ceiling Cat today. The phrase 'Cats were once worshipped as gods Cats never forgot this '. It exists for a reason .
And for a very good reason does this one simple video - which went viral - completely annihilate yourr argument. Thanks for admitting that Bastet, coupled with Kwannon, the Goddess of Mercy , exist, Davey-boy.
...oh, and better not read the "2000 AD" comic story "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_%28comics%29]Kingdom " if you know what's good for you.
A genetically engineered human-canine hybrid, Gene the Hackman; rejected by his pack, he searches the post-apocalypse wilderness for his creators & an answer, only to find that they were humans who had been overcome by their hybrid creations, thus the post-apocalypse world, and Gene's situation. Kind of a pisser for someone like him, eh? Disillusioned, he forms his own pack, and becomes Alpha Male.
Tougher and Tough.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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