There is a Satanic agenda at work to decrease the population, even going as far as to sterilize you and your children without your knowledge. They claim to be protecting you, requiring mandatory Tetanus shots which are actually a scheme to prevent you from having any more children. It is evil. Jesus said that the thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). If it's not Herod sending in his henchman to kill the innocent, then it's abortion killing the innocent, but if not abortion, then it will be secret sterilizations. One way or another, Satan wants to prevent you from having children. If not Satan himself, who came to destroy Eve and her family; then he'll send a Planned Parenthood worker to rob you of your child; but if not someone from Planned Herodhood, then Satan will lie to you, forcing you to get a Tetanus vaccination to sterilize you; but if not any of those, then Satan will convince you that you are exercising your feminist rights as a real woman to abort your baby. Don't buy into the lie.
Who wants to bet he runs straight to the doctor to get his shot when he steps on something rusty?
Well, Davie, step on a nail. We would all love you to. You would shut up finally.
First, what's the point of depopulating the planet?, second, many people have born children after the tetanus shot. Your point?
That's a religious paranoid rant but as usual there is a germ of truth. Planned Parenthood has its origins in the psychopathic, satanic mind of Margaret Sanger, a racial eugenicist who took advice from Hitler's personal, preferred adviser on eugenics and the possibility of racial abortion. Sanger, a socialist murderer of the unborn, was an admirer of Hitler, socialist murderer of just about anyone. Deep called to deep.
It's probably no accident that the child victims of Planned Parenthoods are disproportionately black.
Do you think I would buy into your lies?
Hitler was no socialist (he was far-right fascist). Quick research shows Sanger was a socialist. She was also praised by MLK, the NAACP, and W.E.B. Du Bois for her efforts at helping the black community. Hitler, on the other hand, was a supporter of "Kinder, Küche, Kirche," an extremely misogynistic ideology.
@gummy pus
Do some history. The Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Party and they never disavowed that title right up to the very end. The Party in fact grew out of a workers party movement in rivalry with the communists, with a strong nationalist bias as opposed to the communists who saw themselves as part of an international movement.
It is also a mistake to call the Nazis right wing fascists. That is a slander concocted by Stalin's people and it is a marvel that the mud has stuck so long. The true Fascists were Mussolini's party, Benito himself being a Marxist in his early days. The Italian Fascists despised Hitler and his followers although they eventually changed their tune. Franco's anti-communist followers in Spain were also indiscriminately labelled "Fascist" by Stalin and the Western liberal press however the Spaniards resented that term.
Hitler never disowned the socialist title in his Party's name however he was a practical man who sucked up to German capitalists for purposes of war. Lenin's followers in the Soviet Union also sucked up to Western capitalists when it suited them.
@gummy pus
Do some history. The Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Party and they never disavowed that title right up to the very end. The Party in fact grew out of a workers party movement in rivalry with the communists, with a strong nationalist bias as opposed to the communists who saw themselves as part of an international movement.
It is also a mistake to call the Nazis right wing fascists. That is a slander concocted by Stalin's people and it is a marvel that the mud has stuck so long. The true Fascists were Mussolini's party, Benito himself being a Marxist in his early days. The Italian Fascists despised Hitler and his followers although they eventually changed their tune. Franco's anti-communist followers in Spain were also indiscriminately labelled "Fascist" by Stalin and the Western liberal press however the Spaniards resented that term.
Hitler never disowned the socialist title in his Party's name however he was a practical man who sucked up to German capitalists for purposes of war. Lenin's followers in the Soviet Union also sucked up to Western capitalists when it suited them.
Do some history. The Nazis called themselves the Nazi Party and they never disavowed that title right up to the very end. The Party in fact grew out of a right-wing party movement, with a strong fascist bias in rivalry with the communists, as opposed to the communists who saw themselves as part of an international movement.
It is not a mistake to call the Nazis right wing fascists. That isn't a slander concocted by Churchill and Roosevelt's people and it isn't a marvel that the mud has stuck so long. The true Fascists were Hitler's party, Adolf himself being a coprophiliac in his early days. Certain Germans despised Hitler and his followers although they eventually changed their tune. Franco's anti-communist followers in Spain weren't also indiscriminately labelled "Fascist" by everyone and the Australian liberal party however never resent the term right-wing. Otherwise, they wouldn't call themselves the "Liberal" party.
Hitler never disowned the Nazi title in his Party's name however he was a hypocritical man who sucked up to German capitalists for purposes of war. Anton is a hypocrite when it suits him. And of course, like Anton:
Hitler was a pedophile too.
Now we know why, along with yourself being a Nazi, you're a Hitler lover: you're a pedo, Anton: Care to prove us wrong? Just a yes or no to that question will suffice.
Otherwise, pedos of a feather, nonce together. All right-wingers are pedophiles. The proof is there. Don't forget that, Anton.
@ #1762293
many people have born children after the tetanus shot.
Come to think of it, my wife got pregnant with our first child a couple years after I had a tetanus shot from injuring my hand. So their "secret sterilization tetanus shot" isn't very effective.
@Yossarian Lives:
Wouldn't Satan be encouraging overpopulation, which would overwhelm our ability to utilise Earth's resources, to get its perverse pleasure?
Seeing as how many wars are fought over natural resources, if I were Satan I'd try to get abortion and birth control outlawed world wide and overpopulate the planet as much as possible. That way you get a lot more people killing a lot of other people, thereby filling Hell with fresh souls.
Edit: Sangfroid
The party referred to as Nazi was founded by ANTON Drexler in 1920, combining elements of German nationalism from the Freicorps and German socialism from the powerful German left. (Oswald Spengler called it "Prussian Socialism").
When Hitler, an informer for the German Army Intelligence Corps, joined the Party under orders in 1921, he quickly took over from Anton and grafted on the slobberingly crazed anti-semitism (no big deal; it was always there anyway). Anton was shoved into the background and died in 1942.
The Nazis were funded by the richest segment of German socity. Contributors like Thyssen AG, Krupp, IG Farben and so on supported the Nazis whom they saw as a bulwark against the Communists. If the Party had been any sort of leftist party, the industrialists would not have funded them, and the Party would not have accepted it.
In addition, Mussolini provided financial support to Hitler, who at first thought Benny the Moose was a cool guy to the point he wanted to use the fascist name for his party. Mussolini didn't think it was a good idea.
And David is a moron.
"Tetanus shots which are actually a scheme to prevent you from having any more children."
No more children for Stewie!!! OH NOES!!!!11
Do some history. The Nazi party arrested members of the german Communist party, shut down trade unions, put gays in death camps, and encouraged women to have vast amounts of children. Hitler was one of yours.
It is also a mistake to call the Nazis right wing fascists. That is a slander concocted by Stalin's people and it is a marvel that the mud has stuck so long. The true Fascists were Mussolini's party, Benito himself being a Marxist in his early days. The Italian Fascists despised Hitler and his followers although they eventually changed their tune. Franco's anti-communist followers in Spain were also indiscriminately labelled "Fascist" by Stalin and the Western liberal press however the Spaniards resented that term.
The mere fact these words exist in this order at all makes all of humanity dumber for this post existing. And history professors weep because of it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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