And if you weren't the dense retard you are, you'll have realised that the first four lines were directed towards the OP.
The fact you ignored the next line containing the words 'To so-called 'people' who are 'Pro-Life' - meaning you - proves what an argument-cornering question(s)-avoiding fundie coward you are. Of course the rest of my original post was directed to you. Especially as the link it contained: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=106631&Page=1#1768374 is of a previous infection of FSTDT by you.
Oh, and further proof of your fundie cowardice? Your reply completely avoided one of said charges: Hosea 13:16. The proof that your 'God' is himself an abortionist, therefore a hypocrite of the worst kind, ergo inferior to we Atheists. Now answer that. If you dare.
But back to my point:
"You have no evidence that your god poofed the universe into existence from nothing.
And NO, your ancient book is not evidence."
"On May 5, 2007, Rational Response Squad (RRS) co-founder Brian Sapient and member Kelly O'Connor participated in a live debate aired on Nightline with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron of Way of the Master. The topic for debate was the existence of god. Ray and Kirk claimed that they could prove the existence of their god scientifically without using the Bible or faith; however, Comfort then proceeded to refer to the Bible several times in his discussions.'
Also Ray Cumfart altering/editing interviews with famous Atheists/Secularists in his 'films'; expecting others to be 'open minded' about what he 'claims', yet using underhanded techniques to promote his own biased agenda, without a single shred of empirical peer reviewed evidence to prove said Atheists/Secularists wrong. That's called Intellectual Dishonesty.
And his own dishonesty/ignorance has been proved so many times, he has absolutely NO right to be listened to, never mind considered to have any credibility whatsoever.
When all it'd take to convince we Atheists is for this 'God' they claim exists to do a Morgan Freeman in "Bruce Almighty"; it's not as if he can't, otherwise he's not as 'Omnipotent' as he - and his 'believers' - claim he is, otherwise what's stopping him? Morgan Freeman exists. Yet, the more this 'God' of Lies2Dog & his bum-chum Ray Cumfart continues to not do as per the above pic (to Jim Carrey), he further proves the credibility of Atheism; no wonder why fundies have effectively lost the West: we no longer 'believe'. And why should we? For as a rainbow doesn't physically exist, yet it can be seen, nay, can be easily explained & replicated, then so much for the concept of the so-called 'Spiritual'/'Supernatural', which is proven - by that nonexistent but visual rainbow - to be a load of bollocks.
'180' or whatever arse gravy he's peddling as fundie snake oil? Why should we listen to a scam artist who once had his arse handed to him by the Rational Response Squad? Frankly, I'd rather watch the Redneck Pantomime that is WWE; and my thoughts - as the Media Snob I am - about inferior TV (watched by inbred trailer-trash; the kind who are taken in by the likes of Ray Cumfart) are well known, compared to the superior actuality TV that is "Salvage Hunters" (http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=104865&Page=1#1737104 http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=107202&Page=2#1778850).
There's only one possible way I'd listen to Ray Cumfart: if he were to openly state on worldwide TV/YouTube that he's wrong in every way imaginable (but then, he's been proven wrong in so many ways; I refer you to the_ignored here: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=106148&Page=3#1761782), admit he's nothing more than a scam artist fleecing his sheeple (like you, Lies2Dog), that he'll do a Jonathan Edwards, become an Atheist, and get a proper job, instead of being what he really is right now: a fundie Welfare Case scrounging off his brainwashed sheeple: being a lazy cunt, instead of doing a PROPER job, and earning his own money.
The longer you refuse to reply to what I stated here: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=107929&Page=1#1789928, the more you yourself prove that we Atheists are right, and you're wrong. But then, if you were to reply to what I say in my original comment without resorting to the bullshit brainwashing by Ray Cumfart (and the Bible admits that - via Hosea 13:16 - God is an abortionist too, therefore he is inferior to we pro-choice Atheists; at least we're not hypocritical like him, nor intellectually dishonest, to say that the only one who has the right to decide is the individual woman herself. When you can become pregnant, or at least you decuide to look after all the unwanted babies in the world, then will you have the right to so much as think of having an opinion on the matter. For Hosea 13:16 proves your 'God' doesn't), then you would be so argumentally cornered as to realise that we Atheists are right anyway (but then, we always are. Otherwise, the US would be the Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsviulle by now. So why ISN'T it...?!) and do a Jonathan Edwards.
Mayhaps that's one of the reasons why that ex-long time Christian recanted of his beliefs. He'd read the Bible: Properly.
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived'
-Isaac Asimov
Hosea 13:16. Pretty damning evidence of hypocrisy there, if as you fundie 'Pro-Lifers' always say, that abortion is wrong under any & all circumstances/reasons, and by whom: No Exceptions...!
So if it's alright for your God to allow nay, order abortions to happen - and to those unborn who had done nothing to your God at that point in time to warrant such being done to them - therefore you have no right whatsoever to so much as think of pointing the judgemental finger at anyone/wherever else (http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=260&Page=2#1312566). For when/where it's legal, and don't forget: Romans 13:1-5, ergo...!
I refer you to @#1713664, #1713673 & #1713675. Thus we aren't the hypocrites in this matter, therefore we are superior to God, and we have more than every right in the world to point the finger of judgememt at him. J'accuse! Your 'God' is the murderer. And [i]no[/i] 'Apologetics' allowed.
...but what it all boils down to, as per tfaddict, prove your 'God' exists: but only to the satisfaction of we Atheists. I refer you to here:
"He was supposedly perfectly happy to provide proof of his divine resurrection to Thomas, and didn't then condemn that one rational doubter to burn forever. Why, then, were the original disciples allowed to ask for proof and nobody since then?
It's a myth. Never happened. There is no proof, in many cases not even the possibility of proof, so the dogma ensures its survival in the face of empiricism and rationalism by forbidding doubt altogether."
A question, Lies2Dog: do you agree that the one quoted in this link (http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=103711) is as much a man of God as Ray Cumfart, Kirk Cumonhim, and Kent 'Oh, Mark 12:17 doesn't apply to me!' Hovind? Yes or No?
Try this one for size too:
I refer you to the post by Minimalist (God Buggerer).
So many in the West have found your 'beliefs' wanting.' And they no longer want it. Otherwise the US at least would be the Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville by now.
Oh, and proof that Banana Man's bumboy Kirk Cumonhim is a filthy cheat. I refer you to Doubting Thomas' comment.
Just as you are equally a filthy fundie coward for refusing to answer the charges against your entire argument/your so-called 'beliefs', a.k.a. brainwashing by Ray Cumfart & all his retarded ilk.
For if you daren't, you therefore admit your 'God' is an abortionist (Hosea 13:16 proves he is), your 'demands' that we watch the arse gravy by Ray Cumfart that is '180' or whatever has no right to be listened to by we Atheists, and your entire 'argument' that is not giving the individual woman the right to do what she wants with her body (and nobody else - least of all you - have the right to so much as think of telling said women otherwise), and your vile Nazi-esque discrimination against those not exactly like you (remember: Hitler hated homosexuals too, ergo you = Nazi) destroys your entire argument.
Don't forget: any continued denseness on your part, and refusal to answer our questions/charges to the satisfaction of we Atheists, means you're the vile cowardly fundie Nazi you really are.
If FSTDT commenter Giveitaday can dissect (and thus destroy) fundie BS on a line-by-line, point-by-point basis (example: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=83488&Page=3#1327854) - also by Goomy pls, Kadorhal & Canadiest above - then you can give detailed answers similarly, Lies2Me.