If you want to treat animals "humanely" as of today's standards, don't eat them, don't enslave them, don't exploit them. You don't get to use appeasing words just because you want a clear conscience. If you want to eat meat/dairy, do it. No one's stopping you. But don't hide behind some bullshit word like "humanely". At least have the balls to stand by your barbarism.
Because remember, folks: doing what you do naturally like every other omnivore on the planet is barbarism! Eating meat produced in a safe, relatively clean environment killed in a humane way is no different than ripping chunks out of an animal with your bare hands!
Ah, vegan fundies...
"Thorben Seierø Jensen"
Seier'u det, Jensen?
Have they ever thought about the inhumane conditions of living of carrots?
Don't hide behind vegan bullshit: vegans are plant torturers and killers.
If we need to eat animals, we can at least try and limit their suffering to a minimum. What is so complicated about that?
Bullshit, anyone who willingly denies thier own evolution ia not sane, therefore, neither are you.
@All vegetarians.
I stand by my barbarianism, and I'll add, I bet you taste amazing.
Dude, we deny our own evolution all the time. You know, flying, wearing clothes, choosing not to engage in senseless tribalism in order to preserve resources for our own small group of individuals.
Okay, so some of us are better at that last one than others. I'm looking at you most world leaders throughout history.
I can fully understand someone using their sentience to choose not to kill or make use of the product of killing non-sentient creatures that are still capable of feeling pain.
Personally, I'm more than happy to eat meat. More than more than happy. My meat to plant diet ratio is dangerously waited towards the former to a point where I'm legitimately surprised I've never developed scurvy. But it's the sentience aspect that I view as important, not the living aspect. Still, I'd rather not cause a feeling creature undue pain, even if it's going to eventually die so I can eat it. I guess that's what Thorben doesn't get.
Non-sentient means I don't care if it dies for my food.
Feels pain means I do care if it suffers while it is still alive.
@Happy Atheist
We evolved a large brain, large enough to understand these concepts to make the tools we use to dobthings such as fly, ect. So your point is moot. That is still in line with us being tool using apes. Vegetarianism is denying even our physiology.
Since I had my reply posted, and I already admitted it, I was trying to be a poe. And it worked, I don't really care what you eat, I just wanted to act like the meat centered version of a vegan fundie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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