Oh and it seems conservatroll is against burning religious books such as Qu'aran. Which means he stands with Muslims. And we all know he advocates guilt by association. So he is standing with terrorists
Right-wing American terrorists exist. If all Muslims - No Exceptions - are terrorists, therefore by his own logic, all right-wingers like him are terrorists. No Exceptions.
If it pleases the court, I would like to submit Exhibit A:
@Aunty-FSTDT (a.k.a. Conservatroll: now Chopurcockov):
the fact that Islam is a theocratic totalitarian model
For the record I do want to say
abolishing a republican form of government in favor of a theocracy, I'd have no problem
I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forcedforced at gunpoint no lessto listen to every David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen
-Mike Fuckabee
The prosecution rests.
I refer you to here:
Also here:
So anonymous coward calls others wife beaters and liars and scum. Seeing that he has excused Christian terrorists, he is at the best an enabler for their terrorists. Though like other Islamaphobes, he accuses others of the same thing when they point out Christians can be just as bad. Thus he thinks it's ok when one side does it but not the other. Or he outright supports it. Naturally though he does the same with homosexuality and paedophilia. Notice in other threads he ignored things like republican pedophiles and Quiverfull, and always brought up NAMBLA
...but mainly this book-burner. Enjoy your paradox, Chopurcockov the terrorist. You = ISIS. Because you clearly defend their right to think the way they do. When the NSA, CIA, FBI, and MI6, GCHQ & Scotland Yard's Anti-Terror section can answer the easy question of 'Does ISIS have the right to think the way they do?' with the even easier 'No'. I answer 'No'. So what's your excuse, rightist terrorist...?!
(PROTIP: The ex-ISIS terrorist who gave the western intelligence services that priceless ISIS data: thus he answered that question 'No': therefore he himself admitted that he had no right to think the way he did. Your call.)
ISIS and Alt-Shitists like Chopurcockov: both the same.
I love it when trolls just pwn themselves
All too easy. [/Darth Vader]