various commenters #sexist
Now High Schools are teaching young girls that the difference between "flirting" and "sexual harassment" is totally based on how it makes a woman feel. ie: If Chad talks with her = Flirting, If Incel talks with her = Sexual Harassment.
"Just put yourself out there, bro! Just go and try with her, you got nothing to lose except your virginity, haha!"
Go to jail for sexual harassment
I mean that was always the case, but to see it become official teaching material... just fucking unreal.
imprison whoever wrote this
How can anybody deny the blackpill now? Just approach females bro, it's a numbers game bro.
I think any woman would feel insulted by me speaking to her. I’m 5’4 and ugly as hell, if I talk to a woman she thinks that I think I have a shot with her. That means she’s genetically inferior and within my reach. I shouldn’t even talk to women according to this chart.
Incel: Hello, may i say you look absolutely stunning today.
Her: You feel bad that a genetic subhuman complemented you.
Chad: Ayy girl bring that phat ass ova here!
Her: You feel good that a chad noticed your booty.
Wtf is wrong with this society. It's all getting worse and worse by the minute.
I can feel the equality in this book, boys!
Wow.. soon it will be a federal crime for an ugly male like me to approach women at all.