Andy Schlafly #fundie
The theory of evolution cannot permit any "counterexamples," or examples of things that could not have evolved. As in logic, the existence of merely one counterexample disproves the truth of the rule.
Here are some counterexamples to evolution:
*beautiful autumn foliage, which lacks any plausible evolutionary explanation
*the whale, which has no plausible ancestor (Charles Darwin suggested black bears)
*the eye, which lacks a plausible pathway for incremental evolution
*bloodclotting, which also lacks a plausible pathway for incremental evolution
*Jellyfish in Hawaii, which swarm to the beaches precisely 9 to 10 days after each full moon[1]
*cicada that appear like clockwork every 13 years for some species, and every 17 years for others[2]
*migratory powers of butterflies and birds[3]