Satanic cults are everywhere if you know what to look for. There is one in Roy [42 mi s. of Seattle] that is a known compound guarded by men armed with AR-15 Rifles. They use Federal Laws on religion and the 2nd amendment on guns to guard their compounds. I know of three just like this in Florida and if you even touch their fence, they will shoot. No games with these people. These places always have lodging in bunkers underground.
All Satanic cults build large underground bunkers and tunnels. The topside is kept clean, underground is where they keep people and do deeds. No one, even Police dare to raid these compounds. Most often these people meet at different locations depending on the ceremony. Often it may be one head members home.
Depending on income of the group determines if they meet in the woods or have a bunker type compound. Not all live in a compound of course. Many members are Freemasons and we know how they are about secrets. Many Satanic cults support themselves by making things to sell to the public. Things like jewelry, especially crosses that you find in Christian stores. With a nice Christian sounding name, they have front companies.
The main reason they do this is deception, as they attach demonic spirits on each piece of jewelry they make during ceremonies. That's why they sell crosses to Christians. I think all of us have seen those fantasy Dungeons and Dragons castles with orbs, druids and dragons often made of pewter right? Now you know who makes most of them. Many are sold in places like Disney World, also in stores in the malls that sell weird things and such. So we see they have lot's of money.
Hard to tell the difference between cults and self proclaimed 'militia' groups sometimes but the odds of any of them worshipping any version of the devil as a group rather than some freaky old pervert are roughly 1 in... 0. That's right, no possibility at all. Same goes for D&D merchandise and dollar store knick-knacks made in China.
This is, of course, no different whatsoever from Christian militia anti-government groups who are paranoid that either the tribulation is going to happen soon or else the government is coming for their guns.
But in reality, most "Satanic cults" are and probably always have been nothing more than a few groups of teenagers who don't fit in eith their peers and want to "be cool" and play devil worship.
Wait, is he claiming that satanists own Disney World?? And curse people with crosses injected with bad mojo??
I'm not even sure what to say to that.
"Satanic cults are everywhere if you know what to look for. There is one in Roy [42 mi s. of Seattle] that is a known compound guarded by men armed with AR-15 Rifles."
It's more likely one of your white supremecy cults.
"They use Federal Laws on religion and the 2nd amendment on guns to guard their compounds. "Isn't the 2nd amendment you worship great? Your fictional satanic cults use it to stockpile guns.
"All Satanic cults build large underground bunkers and tunnels."
Your white supremecist cults also have underground bunkers. For that matter, your rapture cults also have underground bunkers.
" I think all of us have seen those fantasy Dungeons and Dragons castles with orbs, druids and dragons often made of pewter right? Now you know who makes most of them."
Yes they're made by chinese communists in China, because your free market worshippers exported American jobs to China. Even the supposed satanic jobs.
] All Satanic cults build large underground bunkers and tunnels.[
]Depending on income of the group determines if they meet in the woods or have a bunker type compound.[
At least this time you waited for the next paragraph before you contradicted yourself, in your other post quoted today you didn’t get that far
] Now you know who makes most of them.[
Well, I would’ve thought they were made by Chinese
@UHM: The first thing I thought of was an episode of Stargate SG1 where a Goa'uld (sp?) had established a cult on Earth, complete with Jonestown-like compound and underground tunnels.
You really think anyone can fund an army on the sale of D&D gewgaws? Do you know what top quality guns and ammo cost?
Also, with the War on Terror in full swing and the PATRIOT act in forece, the federal government, army and marines are doing nothing about armed camps that local cops are afraid to go near? What planet do you live on?
That's one scary fantasy world that ol' Hank has created. The sad part is that it's probably impossible for those of us who live in the cause and effect universe inhabited by sane people to ever reach him. He has locked the gates and burned the bridges that connect the two.
On second thought. I think the saddest part is that there's no one in Hank's life who can compel him to seek the psychiatric care he so desperately needs.
Ah, so all those right-wing Fundamental ist Christian Dominionist Survivalist Militia groups are Satanic?
Why has it taken you lot so fucking long to admit what every normal, decent, non-fundie, non-gunfucking & NRA/2nd Amendment-worshipping person have been saying for decades?!
Mayhaps Sandy Hook has been the catalyst that has woken up the rest of you fundies. One word: Dunblane .
How did you manage to concentrate long enough and formulate structured enough sentences to earn a Ph.D? Or did you become mentally ill after earning the degree?
All cults build bunkers, but not all have bunkers?
Could you please provide evidence for the existence of these demonic spirits, please? With this amount of certainty, you must have visited many of these bunkers and know first hand how they do the attaching of demonic spirits, right?
No doubt the satanists' grandparents were all communists in the 1950s - they're everywhere if you just know where to look.
@Mystik Spiral
What kind of "doctor" spells it "lot's"?
Would you believe it, but one with a PhD in English Literature from Toronto? I understand that English is not his first language, but really...
know what's sad? i know honest people who genuinely believe that heavy-metal and dungeons and dragons lead to devil worship. not even devout people! just run-of-the-mill frenchmen and women who think that i'm possessed by the devil whenever i scream. i resent that, took me two years to master death growling. so much for my hard work!
if you know what to look for.
It's easy to pick out satan worshippers: they drink freshly pressed orange juice for breakfast.
The Devil's own. Get down ye Satan!
"All Satanic cults build large underground bunkers and tunnels."
"Not all live in a compound of course."
Contradict yourself much?
No one, even Police dare to raid these compounds
Which is why the police call in the FBI when they find something they can't handle.
Depending on income of the group determines if they meet in the woods...
You cannot expect me to believe a Ph.D in English Lit wrote this.
Unless Makow has a degenerative brain disease. Because that would explain everything.
There aren't Satanic cults in those compounds, there's about an even mix of 2nd Amendment-worshipping militia nuts, fundie cults, and white supremacists, or a mixture of all 3.
Satanic cults are everywhere if you know what to look for. There is one in Roy [42 mi s. of Seattle]
Let's take a look at Roy WA then.
It was recorded in the 2010 census as having a population of 793. If the live birth rate there is around the USA average (say 14 per 1000 per year) that's 11 kids popping out annually which won't even keep up with the 13 murders a year Makow claims each cult need to commit.
Yet the census also recorded 303 households, 38.3% of which had children under the age of 18. Something doesn't add up here and I don't think it's the census.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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