Analyst #fundie

Is the female "attraction" to men real?

I was watching a video recently, where Cillian Murphy, an actor, was interviewed.

What was interesting more than the interview itself were the viewer comments, where you could see women, some even not ugly looking, manifesting their attraction for the actor.


My thoughts were: this guy is average looking at the very best. What happened to the PUA claims that only the top 20% get women? Doesn't the positive response from women have more to do with the fact that he is a famous actor rather than his actual looks?

Nonwhites with status all too often find a white female who will be with them:




I could go on and on, but I want to spare my readers.

Brad Pitt, the hero of the PUAs, who is supposedly in the mythical "top 20%" that nobody ever claims to be in, is married to a woman who is UGLY and even CHEATED on him.

Evolutionarily, the female attraction for men has been relatively unimportant. If a female did not want to mate, she could simply be raped. Later on, she could also opt not to marry, but it was economically far more advantageous for her to marry. In other words, there has never been a strong need for women to feel physically attracted to men at all.

What percentage of male presidents, celebrities, billionaires and powerful CEOs are single?

What percentage "very good looking" men are single, even the more intelligent ones?

It seems to me that the attraction of women "mysteriously" coincides with what's socially attractive. If someone is looked upon by society (even in trashy trades like ball games), he will find women. If someone is considered a social outcast or "uncool" then he is destined to rot alone, no matter how good looking.

When women say they find a man "attractive", what do they really mean? Does physical attraction play a big role at all? Aren't most women simply "brainwashed" into thinking someone is attractive?



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