[OP of "Option 3 please"]
digraph path_to_anarcho_capitalism {
start_here -> liberal_democracy;
start_here -> seasteading;
start_here -> leftist_dictatorship;
liberal_democracy -> ancap [label="Gain power by winning a free election"];
seasteading -> ancap [label="Sweet, you’re already there"];
leftist_dictatorship -> military_dictatorship [label="Oh shit, coup d’etat"];
military_dictatorship -> liberal_democracy [label="Reinstate democracy, but not before physically removing a lot of communists."];
military_dictatorship -> ancap [label="X number of communists pushed out of helicopters equals percentage of government shrinking into non-existence"];
Road Path
Anarcho Capitalism
You misspelled "Kleptocracy".
(classical) Liberal Democracy >Gain power by winning a free election (Do this with the help of memes)>
Fortunately, modern democracies have those laws called "Constitution" to prevent such schemes from succeeding, as your precious demagogue found out.
Option 3 please
Leftist Dictatorship >oh shit, coup d'etat> [Fascist Dictatorship] >[Mass murder of "communists"]
And of course, their preferred option involving the largest amount of death and misery.
X number of communists pushed out of helicopters equals percentage of government shrinking into non existence
You know even less about dictatorships than about modern democracies.
And what's "Seasteading"?
Seasteading is the creation of Libertarian paradises in international waters, on boats or any permanent floating structures.
@Pharaoh Bastethotep
It is maybe because ancaps are sometimes asked who will maintain the roads.
@Mister Spak
"Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad."
So why is it then, that Chile is a Social Democratic country: if Penischet was so 'great'...?!
Don't forget: r/Altright was physically removed. What's to stop those on Reddit from doing the same: to you >
Ahahahahahahaha seasteading. Is it to laugh.
@Malingspann : So here's the logic. Let's say you're a (presumably rich) anarcho-capitalist and you think the only thing wrong with the world is that there's too damn many laws in it. You might start to think who's passing and enforcing all those laws. Countries do. Now you could go to a country that passes the laws you want, but those are pretty thin on the ground for some reason (obviously it's not because your philosophy is an unworkable pile of garbage, so it must be a conspiracy). Now pretty much every place on land is taken up by some country or another, or is Antarctica which, let's be frank, isn't really livable.
But, you think to yourself, that's only on land. If you go out into the open ocean far enough, it's international waters and nobody owns it! (Which is true.) So all you have to do is get a big enough platform and/or flotilla out there, and you can build your very own anarcho-capitalist paradise without having to let any of those gross statists come over to play.
That's the theory, anyway, I'm sure you can imagine some of the hundreds of (unsolved) logistical and practical issues with it. People have tried, but it hasn't ever ended well.
If you go out into the open ocean far enough, it's international waters and nobody owns it! (Which is true.) So all you have to do is get a big enough platform and/or flotilla out there, and you can build your very own anarcho-capitalist paradise without having to let any of those gross statists come over to play.
That's the theory, anyway, I'm sure you can imagine some of the hundreds of (unsolved) logistical and practical issues with it. People have tried, but it hasn't ever ended well.
As much as I hate, loathe, and despise what they stand for, I can understand the appeal of seasteading.
Used to be, if things weren't being done how you liked, you could find some empty land and start your own realm. (In practice this was of course very hard to do, but it was still possible)
But the world is smaller nowadays and you can't do that; all the land is spoken for.
I have some political views of my own that I admit I'm HIGHLY unlikely to see come to pass in my lifetime, and some days I do wish I could pull a Dr. Demonicus/Cobra; just raise my own island to govern by my beliefs.
I have some political views of my own that I admit I'm HIGHLY unlikely to see come to pass in my lifetime, and some days I do wish I could pull a Dr. Demonicus/Cobra; just raise my own island to govern by my beliefs.
Unfortunately, the reason all the land is spoken for, even though there's plenty of it being unused, is because people kept doing that...
Anarcho Capitalism doesn't work for 2 reasons:
1. Some people are assholes.
2. A lot of people are weak.
This applies to basically all forms of anarchism.
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