The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:
1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.
2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.
3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.
#1. Sorry, I am NOT going to be visualizing myself having sex with Jesus.
#2. I don't think I COULD maintain sexual excitement and think of Jesus.
#3. I don't, nor will I be having, any "love words" to say to Jesus. Nor am I going to be visualizing myself as a woman.
Jeez! What psychological messes these people must be.
Okay, the link is directed to a wikipedia entry. This actually concerns some group called "The Family International" and here is more information on them.
Apparently this is for real, though clearly it is a pretty small cult.
Mister Spak: actually, they would be transgendered, not transsexual. Important difference, and one that many people don't get. Sorry to nitpick.
ew. See a good shrink, lady, I don't care how much it costs, but see one and go on seeing one until you're well again.
I listen to a lot of baroque sacred music, and I deal fine with the religious imagery, unti we get to the "Bride of Christ" passages. That gets far more sexually messed up than the Song of Songs.
Most European languages being gendered, at least in mixed voices the first-person passages are sung by the soprano.
The Family International was founded by David Berg, who had a lot of fucked up ideas about the validity of rape and pedophilia. Yes, it's for real. Thankfully, the bastard is already dead.
No no... so near as I can tell, this thing's genuine.
The Family's Homepage
Further digging on that Wiki is pretty disturbing. The children born into this mess have a support group, for those who escape. Moving On
Hahaha, I need to meet those people... I look like Jesus!
This is really only the standard rhetoric of christian worship taken to its logical extremes. listen to christian music sometimes [for humor!]; lots of sexual undertones, whether intentional or not.
You guys, as far as I can tell this is actually for real. This time I did further research before I actually posted it. It took a while to find this one, and is possibly the most fucked up site I've ever seen.
This stuff is for real, no joke. And yes, the person who came with this stuff is a serious nut job. Before she started having sex with Jesus, she had sex with her son, Rick Rodriguez, who ended up blowing out his brains after slaughtering a stand-in for mom.
Apparently xFamily also listens to Faith+1
Oh, and cue the "You love Jesus a little too much" picture
I really hope this has something to do with Christian Domestic Discipline, because I fully support BDSM for Jesus.
I yell out "Oh God" during sex anyway though...
... no. I'm sorry; I just don't buy it. Landover Baptist Church had almost the exact same fucking thing. This has to be a hoax/satire.
@ Mister Spak #85233 "I thought Jesus wanted his followers to eat him?" Who says the two are mutually exclusive? Maybe Jesus is a vore fetishist.
I just KNEW that all the "coming of Jesus", "bride of Christ," "on my knees for Jesus," "receive him," "The Lord is inside of me" sexual imagery couldn't have been on accident! Jesus-fetishists all!
men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.
And afterwords, with the feeling of the glory of jesus still in his..........mind, he goes to work in a dress :))
Well, it's a refreshing change from all the sexually repressed fundies.
Jesus really isn't that sexy, though. I'd at least want to be worshiping a woman with pretty hair and nice legs if I were going to do something like this.
"Ah... well, I think they have the right idea, just replace Jesus with like, Venus or something."
Exactly. Some goddesses are pretty sexy. Athena seems like she'd be fun.
xFamily is a wiki created by former "Children of God"/"The Family"/"The Family international" members which tries to show how David Berg was the greatest scumbag to ever have directed a religious body.
This revelation has been done by Karen Zerby , notorious for, as evoked before , having nannies molesting his son, publishing inside her cult a book promoting such "parenting" and, allegedly, raping him herself (here are the results - one of the only times I've more compassion for the murderer than for the murdered).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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