(XF refuses to call her gender-reassigned coworker a woman)
I do agree to disagree.
Christianity isn't about making people feel good. Look at how you people are upset at how I'm standing up for the truth for not calling a man a woman.
I do love my co-worker very much, but I will not respect that he wants to be referred to as a woman. Do I forgive his bitterness at me? Yes, yes, I do.
"Christianity isn't about making people feel good. Look at how you people are upset at how I'm standing up for the truth for not calling a man a woman."
Are you confused about how the English language defines "man" and "woman"? It's all about the plumbing, so to speak.
"I do love my co-worker very much,"
"but I will not respect that he wants to be referred to as a woman."
"He" is no longer a "he" you moron.
"Do I forgive his bitterness at me? Yes, yes, I do."
I guess you think that scores you some sort of Gawd Points or some bullshit for being all selfless and "Christ like", right?
I do love my co-worker very much, but I will not respect that he wants to be referred to as a woman. Do I forgive his bitterness at me? Yes, yes, I do
Because it's all about you, right? People like you insult someone just so that when they get offended you can make a big show of forgiving them, because it's all about you, and you feeling that you are somehow superior to those who don't agree with your worldview. It's not about religion, it's about arrogance.
I do love my co-worker very much
If by "love" you mean the kind of "love" your Old Testament god demonstrated many times over, then you have absolutely no understanding of love as most sane people know it.
Also, you're a cunt.
"Christianity isn't about making people feel good."
That one is for sure. Especially when the person in question isn't a Christian....
"Look at how you people are upset at how I'm standing up for the truth for not calling a man a woman."
We're upset because you are an insensitive prick who is unwilling to look beyond the birth-genitals when defining a person's gender. And who thinks that deliberately displaying this mode of thinking makes them morally superior.
"Do I forgive his bitterness at me? Yes, yes, I do."
How nice of you to forgive someone for thinking that you are a massive a-hole...after intentionally being an a-hole. A wonderful person...
Do I forgive his bitterness at me? Yes, yes, I do.
What the fuck? If you're not a poe, you're fucking nuts.
I've said before, I'm married to another woman. We share the same hyphenated last name. I have a few fundie relatives who refused to use it in correspondence for very similar reasons to this person's--they don't want to indulge our "sin", etc.
So I would ask Xiao-Feng-Fury what I asked them:
1. If your state accepts that name and gender identification, and it does, why can't you?
2. How would you like it if someone insisted on calling you something other than what you would like to be called? Yeah, maybe something like "Igmo". It's only because we have to acknowledge your ignorance, you see...
Actually, those born female will always be female. They can't change that.
But men CAN become women. That doesn't depend on biology.
"Actually, those born female will always be female. They can't change that."
I thought they had a way, with scotch tape...
And the poster, X-F-F, is an asshole. What if that person was born a hermaphrodite? If said hermaphrodite grew up as a male, and had a male sex drive, would X-F-F continue to call it male? How bleakly obsessed with sex these fundies are - they don't see people, they just see sex potential.
So if your wife looks fat in a dress and she asks you about it, you say "Of course you look fat!"
After all, Christianity isn't about making people feel good. You love your wife very much, but you will not respect that she wants to be referred to as thin.
I do love my co-worker very much, but I will not respect that he wants to be referred to as a woman.
How does someone "love" someone and not at the same time respect them? If he's bitter, then you haven't treated him as you, yourself, would want to be treated. If you did, he wouldn't be bitter. If you insult someone and make them feel bad and rejected, you haven't fulfilled Jesus' second commandment and don't deserve God's mercy.
Well, Xiao-Feng-Fury...
Then you have nothing against me calling you complete and utter fucking moron, do you?
We should always call people what they are, correct?
Now I actually partially agree... If you were born with a dick, no amount of plastic surgery is going to let you have kids and get your period. All you are is a man with an inverted penis. I don't care if your gay and i still dont believe in God, but this is one of the rare occasions a fundie is somewhat kind of a little bit right...maybe.
And I will not respect that you are anything less than a bitch. Sorry, just standing up for the truth.
@jimbo: Gender identity is a complicated genetic mess that is partially influenced by nurture. Just because a person is born with a particular set of genitalia or XX, XY, XXY, XYY, XXX, YYY chromosomes, doesn't mean that gender identity is obvious.
If god made someone a cripple, and all their life people knew them as crippled, but they always felt like they were a 'whole' person deep inside, and they were finally able to have sugery to walk the same and be a normal-looking person, would you still insist on calling them a cripple, because that's how god made them?
No, Christianity is about making everyone else miserable.
I'm sorry, your coworker is now LEGALLY a woman, and you are required to refer to her as such. Unfortunately for you, stupidity is not a disability, and as such, you CAN be fired for it.
[Look at how you people are upset at how I'm standing up for the truth for not calling a man a woman. ]
People are upset because you are an isensative jerk. How would you like it if I called you a jackass?
[I do love my co-worker very much]
If you loved someone you would respect them. Since you don't respect her you obviously don't love her.
I have co-workers at my job that are very overweight, but I don't call them fatasses.
Christianity isn't about making people feel good.
True, the doctrine of Original Sin which is at its heart is specifically intended to make people feel bad.
Oh yes, you're a hate-filled lying bigot too.
I must admit, when a friend of mine changed from Jason to Jane, it took me several months of habit-breaking to stop calling him, er, her (there I go again) "he", etc.
I don't see him/her as any different really. It's not being bigoted, it's just habit. Jane jokes about it occasionally that she refers to herself as a robot (she teaches robotics).
Actually, those born female will always be female. They can't change that.
But men CAN become women. That doesn't depend on biology.
... I don't get it.
@ arcturus
While you only did it out of habit, Xiao is doing it out of bigotry. She only knew her coworker as female and addressed her as such. After discovering that she was trans, Xiao decided to discontinue her use of female pronouns in order to show off her "christian values".
That's her story anyway. I suspect this whole thing is just more of her attention-whoring bullshit.
While this person seems to have all the earmarks of a fundie, especially the bitterness part, I gave this a 4 because its not solely a fundie question. A gender-reassigned female will always have her XY chromosomes, and the change is cosmetic, if not functional (I plead ignorance to the functionality dept.)
Since however I doubt chromosomes are in XF's frame of mind, I won't go lower than 4, either.
How goddamn hard is it to understand that an enormously complex and entirely mental thing such as gender is defined by more than what you have between your legs? I don't see you calling ugly people evil, or cripples lazy, or redheads stupid, so why am I a MAN because of MY body?
My womanhood is in my heart, and my genitals affect it no more than my ribcage or small intestine do.
How dare you even presume that you know the most fundamental part of my identity better than I do? /Incoherent rant
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