I recently re-read George Orwell's 1984. In it, all the party members have a daily ritual called "the 2 minutes Hate". They gather in front of a telescreen to watch Big Brother talk, and then the most hated enemy of the state, Goldstein, is shown. All the party members scream, beat their chests, throw things at the screen, and generally let out all the vile feelings they may be having because of their miserable existence and focus it all on this one object of hate, Goldstein.
The liberals are a miserable lot, and Sarah is their Goldstein.
Your on a website were you would be instantly banned for expressing any positive feelings towards the party's *mods* enemies *Obama*, you regularly ignore *election results* and rewrite history *founding fathers wanted theocracy, Darwin repented on deathbed...* to fit your current talking points and you proudly scream for war against enemies you intentionally know almost nothing about except that the party calls them evil.
But no, 1984 describes 'liberals' *whatever that means when they use it as a slur*
Last time I checked 1984 was a fiction novel.
Nobody would waste that amount of energy on Sarah (Palin, I presume). We'll just laugh at her for a second, and get on with our lives.
Er... I think she's not the smartest cookie, but I hardly throw things at the TV when she's on. Then again I'm more independent; I wish we had real OTHER choices on the table in the US.
Oh, and reread 1984 again, I think you are probably missing some of the points... m'kay? Hell, I might pick it up again, been a few years.
> Sarah is their Goldstein.
Sarah is an antagonistic propaganda figure made up by the Liberals to make the Conservatives look bad?
I *knew* someone that dumb and obnoxious couldn't exist for real!
you do realize that the government was supposed like organized religion, right? keeping the populace willfully ignorant of science and the truth and having the few leaders live in luxury, and teaching them to unconditionally hate followers of other groups
You shouldn´t project your own behaviuor concerning Obama onto others ;)
While liberals might see Sarah Palin as unsuited for the job as Vice president they usually wouldn´t call her antichrist or would say that she is a secret muslim (or whatever) like you guys do repeatedly concerning Obama
So seems like the story about Goldstein rather fits onto your (rapturists) behavior concerning your POTUS
If that's the best gem of wisdom that BoGo can come up with then yeah, he/she missed something.
It's always worth re-reading.
The only book I find rewards re-reading more is Lord of the Flies. I wonder what BoGo would make of that?
This is a weird coincidence... I just finished reading 1984 for the first time no more than three hours ago.
This is the kind of book where people are going to draw from it what they want. There could be comparisons to the Christian religion: the encouragement of sexual repression, the idea of a higher being who sees everything and convicts people for their thoughts (the idea that "lust = adultery" in matthew 5:28 smacks of "thoughtcrime"), "doublethink," the concept of holding contradictory ideas to be true, if the higher being says they are (the trinity, or a loving God who sends people to hell, belief in Christ who is fully God and fully man).
Or, I might just be projecting my biases into the book.
Just like gays, liberals, and non-Christians are your Goldstein, eh buddy?
Pwned, and in the first comment. I'm impressed.
Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, just to name a few conservative talking heads who like to whip up hate, to on occasion, murderous results.
I LOVE Sarah I hope she forms a political party and runs for president.
She will keep the Republicans out of power for decades if she does :-)
I bear her no malice at all Politically she frightens me because of her narrow policies.
'fraid not. She's just not that important.
And in reference to: "The liberals are a miserable lot..."
Whereas hate-filled fascist scum are the epitome of fun, laughter and fair-minded tolerance.
I would say we hated the system (Republicans) and the small percent of idiots who would put an idiot in high office.
If 1984 had the 'two minute laugh' you'd have a point
Sarahs career is over in politics but I'm waiting to see where Fox is planning to use her. Hannity/Palin hour?
I recently re-read George Orwell's 1984. In it, all the party members have a daily ritual called "the 2 minutes Hate". They gather in front of a telescreen to watch Big Brother talk, and then the most hated enemy of the state, Goldstein, is shown. All the party members scream, beat their chests, throw things at the screen, and generally let out all the vile feelings they may be having because of their miserable existence and focus it all on this one object of hate, Goldstein.
The Fundies, Neocons and Repubicans are a miserable lot, and Obama is their Goldstein.
Ruptured Retards = Minitrue.
Buzzardnuts = Big Brother.
Deviating one iota from Buzzardnuts' insane right-wing/tinfoil (ass)hattery/fundy thinking on RR = Thoughtcrime.
Buzzardnuts banning anyone who deviates one iota from his insane & rigid right-wing/tinfoil (ass)hattery/fundy thinking from RR = Room 101.
Buzzardnuts' (& anyone with) insane right-wing/tinfoil (ass)hattery/fundy thinking =
George Orwell was an agnostic atheist, as well as a socialist. His beliefs on the origins and nature of totalitarianism would have you calling him a hellbound reprobate in a heartbeat. Don't think you can possibly reference 1984 as conducive to any argument you and your reactionary fascist fundamentalist friends make.
Are you talking about Sarah Q. failin'?
Sarah Quitter Failin?
The dumbest person to ever enter into politics? That woman is so stupid she should not be allowed within 10 feet of a hotdog stand much less the White House!
Don't get me started on that imbecile bitch and her crazy husband!
BoGo doesn't realise that E. Goldstein is a fabrication, created by the Thought Police, in order to uncover & trap potential Thought Criminals in order to "re-educate" them, before their eventual execution...
So if this analogy is true, then is Ms.Palin equally a fabrication, created to uncover "Thought Criminals"...?
@ Disregard
Fundies Say The Darndest Things. Not Religious Fundies, just fundies in general. The FAQ defines it quite clearly: it doesn't have to be religious to be fundie.
No offense or anything. You're not the first person to say that so it's getting pretty tiresome ^^;
Orwell was a socialist, you ignorant twit. He was parodying the Sarah Palin worshipers who *would* hate a "Goldstein" (Jewish-stereotype enough for ya?)... you know, the type of people who see Barack Obama on tv and scream and beat their chest and throw things at the screen?
Thatcher, sorry.
[/British socialist]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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