With that said I admit I would feel weird getting blood if I knew it came from a gay man.
Why? Afraid you might catch "the gay"?
I would probably feel pretty weird about receiving blood from a Muslim, atheist or Hindu, etc.
Why? Blood is blood, all donated blood is screened and as long as it's the right type what difference does it make?
Raises the question
No, it doesn't raise any questions, all it does is simply and matter of factly highlight your bigotry and predjudice for all to see.
should we know certain information about the blood we are about to receive? Their religion, sexuality, other views?
No, we should not. First, because their religion, sexual orientation, and other views are none of your business. Second, because the aforementioned are completely irrelavent. Finally, anyone who recieves a significant amount of blood, which is the case in most transfusions, recieves blood from multiple donors and is more likely than not to be in a situation where time is of the essence and the recipient is often not in any condition to pick and choose his donors.
Or would this just create a giant mess that would delay blood getting to people and costing lives.
That is exactly what it would do.