@Wonder Woman:
No, it`s not the men, women, politics, left, right or any of that bullshit for that matter. The only problem with the world is US ourselves and our own inability to empathize with others, desperatly clinging to our own biases and tendention to dehumanize those we disagree with.
In fact, the only way we could really enjoy lasting peace and prosperity would be if we could either make the majority understand this or with some bizzare genetic engineering to purposefully remove most of our biological reactions, which would be sacrificing our own humanity.
Just look at yourself, yes right now. You attack others as sexist while not once acknowledging your own utterly sexist views. Of course, you`ve probably rationalized away this unconvinient little fact years, if not decades ago, buried under mountains of self-victimisation and hatred born out of fear of other.
After all, YOU are RIGHT(you know it, oh you so very well do), men are EVIL and as such must be fought and in conclusion destroyed. Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, caamib dreams of exactly the same scenario, only with the roles reversed. Of course, you can probably give me a sea of examples of male driven trauma you`ve experienced in life, just as I`m sure he wouldn`t hesitate a second to drown me in the examples of just how vile, base and uncaring females are. Guess what, none of that gives you the right to hate half the population for the actions of a few brutish dicks or cold, manipulative twats. In fact, the only goal any of you will ever accomplish is even more hatred and even more scarred, burned up people deciding to go with the sociopaths, feelings of betrayal and abandonment quickly turning to anger, hatred, or calculated coldness. In the end, all you do is kill your own self inside, burning all that is good and decent in you, as a person, as a human, no matter the stuff you`ve got down there.
If you`ve been hurt, it`s ok to be afraid, but as an adult, you must still strive to never let it control you. Confront it, fight the pain if there is such and take any and all help you can get, after all, we`ve not evolved to deal with this stuff on our own. What you perceive as a righteous anger, only creates more of those you claim to hate. Maybe not everyone has the potential to be a decent person, but it`s sure as fuck not our place to just give up and stop trying.