"I'll get in line right after that she-male tranny of a First "Lady" gets tested and I've emptied all the magazines on the squad of Healthcare Gestapo trespassing on my front lawn. I wouldn't really do that. I'm just saying"
That's the Right-wing all over - Armchair Generals the lot of them. Hollering at the screen whenever Fux News spews out their latest lies & propaganda about Afghanistan (but not seeing the other side, especially the casualties & bodybags, shown on BBC News & Reuters). If you think what the US is doing is such a good idea, then prise yourself from that Lay-Z-Boy and drag your patriotic Yank arse to that armed forces recruitment office, so you can 'empty all your magazines' at the Taliban, alongside all the men & women already there, risking their lives every day for you & your fat lazy ilk.
...thought not. Better STFU then RoadKingSE (& everyone on Free Repubic), your hypocrisy is showing.
"Look at medical studies, people who are lonely and dont have sex often die younger than people who do. So it DOES kill."
Good. Natural Selection at work. The intelligent, decent, left-wing, considerate, non-misogynistic men pass on their genes to the next generation, the sad, pathetic, socially stunted, misogynistic, evil, right-wingers cease to exist. Flame me all you want, but for the female population as a whole (and for we Left-wing, intelligent, socially active, responsible, and feminist men), that's a bad thing... how?
Where's the downside?