"Most religions today are atheistic, because they have rejected the True and Living God. Islam is of the Devil, and all Islamic Muslims are atheists. Oh sure, Muslims profess to believe in Allah, but Allah is a myth, a false god, a non-existent figment of their darkened imagination."
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours"
-Stephen Roberts
Most right-wing Fundamentalist Christians (and right-wing Repubicans, Teabaggers, Neocunts et al, name me just one member of the GOP who's an avowed Atheist, Davey-boy) are depraved pervs, because they have rejected the Real Morality. Right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity is worse than the Devil, and we Atheists are more than infinitely superior to them. Oh sure, fundies like you profess to be moral, but that is a myth, born of a false God, a non-existent figment of their darkened imagination:
Tony Alamo, Billy James Hargis, Earl Paulk, Joe Barron, Stephen Green, Albert Odulele
...and David J. Stewart:
Ergo, the more than infinite superiority of we Atheists to you inferior subhuman fundies. Q.E.D.
Now get thee behind me, vile hypocrite!
"Ah, the old 'Muslims are atheists' bit.
You don't know what a Muslim or an atheist is."
And as proven above, he doesn't know what morality is, neither.
David J. Stewart is conclusive proof of what I always say: Hypocrisy, thy name is fundie.