Point-by-point dissection ahead.
"Autistic kids/people have very obvious traits and anyone will know an autistic child when seeing one.”
Autism varies exponentally from person to person. Some people have very apparent autism, but others have subtle, hard to pickup on autism.
"You can literally feel it in their presence a heaviness and darkness while in their presence that cannot be ignored “
Um, what?
"Lewd behavior as in exposing one's self and imitating sexual acts with no prior knowledge of these things “
And how, pray tell, do they know how to imitate sexual acts when the don’t even know what sex is?
"Violence, be it self inflicted or towards others”
Depends. I for example, am autistic, and i’m about as violent as you get.
OTOH, I know some autistic people who make Mister Rodgers look like a Blood Knight.
"They will excrement on themselves and let loose their bladder at any time or place and also play with the waste, they seem to like having the bodily waste on their person “
I start gagging uncontrollably when i’m ten feet from my cat’s litter box.
I start running in the opposite direction when I see the tiniest bit of dog shit. Does that sound like I have a thing for bodily waste? Hell, I start gagging when someone so much as SAYS the word “poop”!
"They spit”
Correct me if i’m wrong, but don’t quote-unquote “normal people” spit too?
"They have animalistic traits like sniffing, and licking”
Yet again, something that applies to me, but nobody else.
"They will eat anything including old food and garbage if it has a smell that attracts them to it”
I am, quite possibly, the pickiest man alive. I barely eat ANYTHING. Many autistic people have sensory issues, which prevent them from eating a lot of normal foods. How can someone have a problem with eating a bunch of normal food, yet eat a load of rotting garbage?
"They will scream without end at times, and in a loud howl-like inhuman screaming sound that can shatter anyones nerves overtime”
No, we don’t.
"They keep up constant noise vocally or with objects to bring confusion to where ever they are”
Or, because they want attention! Or they’re upset and want to leave! Or even better, they don’t do that at all!
"They bite themselves and others”
You’ve been spying on me, haven’t you? I’m not the typical autistic child, and in fact, there is no typical autistic!
"They strike or attempt to choke others”
That counts as violence. You already talked about that.
"Pain really doesn’t affect them”
Even if that was the case (spoiler alert: It’s not), how does that indicate demonic possession? I have a huge fucking pain tolerance (I not only sleep on legos, but I also scatter them all across the floor, both because I tend to play with my legos on the floor, and it’s a safety measure against intruders), but that doesn’t mean i’m possessed.
"They speak a strange language and they actually can communicate between each other”
We can indeed. It’s called words. Also, my speaking Cybertronian has nothing to do with this.
"They are extremely strong when in a rage”
No, we have the same strength regardless of anger.
"As children they can over power an adult when having the fits of rage”
See above.
"They don't like the Name of Jesus and they will always be put under control by His name”
That is the biggest load of bullshit i’ve ever read. And in fact, I know several autistic people who are christian!
"They are selfish, mean spirited, and dominate people”
People don’t need to be autistic to be an asshole.
"They show no signs of guilt when doing wrong”
No, that’s sociopaths.
So in conclusion: This man is an unintelligent douche who learned about autistics from spying on me and thinks that we're werewolves.
So that was my first point-by-point. Whaddya guys think?