Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy
So effective were the Mothers Against Intervention, and other patriotic groups, that FDR was afraid to declare war on Germany. Churchill's spies and propaganda experts had failed to change public opinion.
On September 7, 1940, Nazi bombers began to bomb London and other cities in England.
Edward R. Morrow began a nightly radio broadcast to the U.S. called "This is London."
Nobody knew at that time that Morrow was an MI6 agent!!
Morrow's nightly broadcasts from London electrified his huge audience in the United States. As well as Morrow's broadcasts, doctored photos were planted in newspapers about the horrors of the bombing.
Churchill and Hitler chose bombing targets in England for their maximum propaganda value in the U.S.
Doctored or fake photos of bombing "victims" using mannequins or dummies were shown in the U.S.
These obvious fakes were not shown in British newspapers.
The Blitz was powerful propaganda indeed but it did not lead to a declaration of war on Germany. What it did lead to was the first peacetime military draft or conscription in the nation's history.
The Selective Service and Training Act of 1940, also known as the Burke-Wadsworth Act, was enacted on September 16, 1940. It was the first peacetime conscription in United States history. The Selective Service Act required that men between the ages of 21 and 35 register with local draft boards. Later, when the U.S. entered World War II, all men aged 18 to 45 were made subject to military service, and all men aged 18 to 65 were required to register.
Thanks to the Berlin Bullies and the Blitz, FDR signed the first peacetime military draft in U.S. history.
Inductees were required to serve for 12 months.
Thanks to "Heel" Hitler, and a front man named Wendell Willkie, FDR was elected for an unprededented 3rd term in 1940.
Sinister British spy Grenville Clark was the driving force behind the first peacetime draft.
Clark was assisted by FDR's bellicose Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson and general George C. Marshall in civilian clothes.
The British ambassador to the U.S. at that time was named Philip Kerr or Lord Lothian. Lord Lothian was disgusted with the underhanded tactics of his own spies, so he had a timely death in December 1940.
Lord Lothian was the British ambassador to the U.S. in 1940.
He loathed the underhanded methods of his own spies; he did not pursue intervention aggressively enough, and so he had a timely demise in December 1940.
Lord Halifax, a more compliant personage, took his place as ambassador.
Patriotic people who opposed intervention had "car accidents," committed "suicide," or had their reputations completely destroyed!!
In desperation, Churchill ordered Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor!!