These are obviously fabricated "statistics" for hate speech, or Poe (would that be why "patriarchy" is in quotes?) It also reminds me of the strange propaganda of a certain quack I forgot the name of, often featuring numbers and percentages that are invented on the fly. Atheists just don't believe in deities, because they don't see evidence of their existence. Misrepresenting them means that you have doctrines that are not universal, that you're trying to impose on people. Or that for identity politics, you're promoting division.
90% of atheists will be involved in a violent altercaction in their life
Atheists are a minority. This means that they're an even smaller percentage of people involved in violent crime affecting a percentage of the population. But atheists may be the target of fundamentalist witch hunts, so it's possible that some of them are victims of violent crime too. I was actually a believer in school when some "Christian" mob threatened me and asked me if I believed in Jesus. They almost teared my clothing when trying to bring me in the corner. I was a good fighter and they were smaller, so fighting them was an option. Instead I wanted to know what they wanted, then said that yes, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus and they left me alone. I'm not sure what they tried to do to those who said no.
60% of atheists are sexually perverted
This may mean, are more educated about human sexuality. But it's just frivolous smearing nonsense. And assuming that atheists were 25% of a population (may be generous in your place), with "60% of the population sexually perverted", would normally mean that only 25% of those may be atheists. Then what is "perversion"? You have not defined what it might be in your particular doctrine. What about Christian victim blaming and rape culture, is that perversion? You're less likely to find that in a percentage of society that's not patriarchal. If perversion is "eat da poo poo", scatophilia exists, but has nothing to do with atheism, or the LGBTQ. For most people, when it happens, it's not a fetish and it's when they're babies. If you mean anal sex, if you're honest, you'll discover that it's more prevalent in heterosexual conservatives than you think, and less so when they have access to preservatives. If you mean non-reproductive sex, it's part of normal sex development for most people and you would be in denial.
When asked if they would forgive a human being for their sins, 90% of atheists said no
What's the "sin"? Inability to compromise so not worth further wasting time with? If in your insane mind masturbation is a sin, a non-fundamentalist is more likely to not care at all what other people do in their private life. You're the one obsessed with what other people do. You're the one pushing hate speech against people you obviously have no idea about.
When asked if they respect the law, 59% of atheists said no
What relationship would there be? If it's secular law and you're speaking of secular people, why would they be less likely to disagree with it than you are? They're more likely to agree that sex education is important and that rape is wrong than fundamentalist patriarchs. Some may consider that faith organizations are fraudulent, exploitative, should pay taxes, etc. Because they are more likely to support actual ethics. Is ethics "the law"? Is lying a crime? If so, what about this "us and them" rhetoric, divisive smearing propaganda?
When asked if they would spit on Jesus, 85% of atheists said yes
Frivolous libel. From experience, I see more self-described Christians show disregard for Jesus' message. For instance, you're judging people you know nothing about, something Jesus told you not to do, hypocrite. You're bearing false witness. If you believe in his sacrifice, that is supposed to allow humanity to be forgiven, why do you instead demonize humanity? You're pretending to be able to speak for god, instead of letting him scrutinize people's hearts. To me, that's unethical, which you might call "sin". And your post may be evidence that you agree to sin and promote sin, it's not a frivolous accusation, unlike yours: we can read your words.
40% of atheists admit to finding horses attractive
Was that what "perverted sex" was supposed to be about? The same as for "eat da poo poo". Most people aren't into it, then if you are, it's independent of your religion, or lack thereof. It also could be curiosity or a phase. Some people who support animals rights may say that it's animal abuse. Some of those may be atheist humanists. In cities, people may rarely get to see horses and their demographics are often less fundamentalist, defeating your bigoted nonsense.
Edit/Update: the quack was Etienne Charland "The Emergence Guardian", i.e.