As I demonstrated in my debate with Bill Nye in February, creationists can be—and are!—great scientists. No one in their right mind would argue that Sir Isaac Newton, Kepler, or Francis Bacon (inventor of the scientific method) hindered science. Nor would they say that Raymond Damadian, the inventor of the MRI scanner, can’t do science. Observational or experimental science—the kind of science that deals with the present and is testable, repeatable, and observable—does not require a belief in evolution! That’s why both creationists and evolutionists can do amazing things like being involved in building space shuttles and finding cures for diseases. However, when you move into historical science—the kind of science (knowledge) that deals with origins (beliefs about the past), and is not directly observable, repeatable, or testable—your model of origins will determine how you interpret the evidence of the present. It all depends on your starting point! Is it man’s fallible opinion about the past or God’s infallible Word?
First half of this may be true, but your "See, we have this book" argument goes to show that you, Ken, don't qualify for a great scientist. It also shows the irony of "... your model of origins will determine how you interpret the evidence of the present."
Mr Ham claims any scientist pre-Darwin as a creationist, but that thinking is flawed. Newton was undoubtedly a great scientist, but he also didn't know about quarks. That doesn't mean quarks don't exist.
Yes, you don't need to believe in evolution to invent the MRI scanner. You also don't need to know about rocket science to be a marine biologist.
"As I demonstrated in my debate with Bill Nye in February, creationists can beand are!great scientists."
Kenny boy, you did a better job of demonstrating how bananas can be used to replace nuclear rods in our power plants than you did of demonstrating that. If god came down tomorrow and showed himself to the world with a full display of his powers he'd still have a hard time of overcoming the damage you dealt to your own position. Kamikazes levied less suicidal attacks against their opponents than you did.
No one in their right mind would argue that Sir Isaac Newton, Kepler, or Francis Bacon (inventor of the scientific method) hindered science.
We remember these guys for the stuff they were right about. There were many more things that they were wrong about or simply didn’t know. You see Ken, it is entirely possible for humans to be right about one thing and wrong about another.
No one says that a creationist cannot be right about something. It’s just that creationism as a system hasn’t been able to be right about anything yet
creationists can beand are!great scientists.
I literally laughed at this. Please, Mr. Ham, name just one.
Let's see, who do we have here... Kent Hovind and his son Eric... nope, always use long-debunked arguments. NephilimFree? That's the guy who claimed that the rain water which caused the global flood caused water on the earth to shoot out into space & created comets. VenomFangX? Oh please. Andy Schlafly? The guy who was smacked down in the Lenski affair? Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron? Only if the research doesn't include bananas or crockoducks. Ken Ham himself? The guy who only quoted his bible in his debate with Bill Nye? Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.
Nope, can't think of one creationist who even bothers with the scientific method or even knows what it is.
The simple fact is that creationists start with the conclusion and work backwards in order to try to prove the conclusion. This is opposite of how science works. True science takes you to conclusions which challenge long-held beliefs, and creationism by its very religious nature cannot stand up to or allow that.
Who gives a shit? I've met bankers who believe in astrology. Does that mean we should start using the stars in our financial planning? Sir Isaac Newton believed in Alchemy. When do we start turning lead into gold?
If Hambone's proof is that a couple of interesting people believe in young earth creationism, I will gladly dig up plenty more who think Ham's full of shit.
"As I demonstrated in my debate with Bill Nye in February, creationists can beand are!great scientists."
You also demonstrated that 1) there is absolutely no objective evidence supporting special creation and 2) you're not one of those creationists who are also competent scientists.
Creationists are without a doubt the stupidest people to have ever lived. And I'm including Scientologists, Mormons & anyone with the name Kardashian or Jenner. Creationism is nothing to be proud of; it should be mocked, scorned & stigmatized.
Paradox time: how else have you heard God's so-called infallible word but through the writings, teachings, and whatnot of other fallible men?
I legit want him to respond to being quoted here now just to see whether his brain explodes from that. Y'know, assuming he doesn't go the same route almost everyone else does and ignore me entirely image
Hey Ken,
How can you claim to be doing science when you state that "nothing will change your mind" and "if any evidence contradicts your 2000-year-old book, it's the evidence that's wrong"?
Sounds like the antithesis of science.
Well, as much as I adore Bill Nye, this is why I say he never should have debated the sHam. The slf-congratulatory auto-fellatio going on in the creationist corner is too much to bear.
I wholeheartedly agree. He did a great disservice to Science when he agreed to debate Ham. I doubt whether he converted a single Creationist to reality based thinking, but he did lend credence to Creationists. They'll cherry pick Nye’s statements and edit to prove their beliefs and we're lumbered with Creationist though for another generation.
There should not be any more such debates. It's like a Geologist debating a flat Earther.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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