Voice In The Wilderness #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Original moon landing footage PROVES there is LIFE ON THE MOON .See for yourself!
For those who do not believe that there is something more to the Lunar Landings, this ORIGINAL FOOTAGE should reveal a few startling facts.
Please keep in mind that this footage has not been doctored nor altered in any way.

Here is a question, Is there life on the moon?. Any human being with a most basic knowledge of the cosmos, will say, "Of course not! The space, including the moon is a vaccum!". This is Correct!

However, in this original footage of the Apollo landing, we see a FLY or MOTH flying across the screen of the camera on the moon between :55-:59.

But this, is only the first piece of the revelation!

At 1:14-15, near the base of the American flag we see a frog jump from the left to the right! It is a quick movement which may require several additional viewings by those who are less perceptive.

Once this frog jumps near the flag, please notice the reaction of the Astronaut moving about. He sees the movement of the animal at 1:16,17 and proceeds to alter his course. It is as if he is thinking "Oh shit! I need to get rid of this little guy!".

At 1:27,28; he manages to stop on the frog which had, by this time, moved a few feet away from the flag. He then STOMPS on the frog and kills it, after which, he happily jumps around the flag, as if the mission has been saved.

Unless life exists on the moon, this short video, if viewed in its entirety, will prove beyond all shadow of a doubt, that the lunar landings were taking place on earth, in a fake environment, designed and created to appear as the lunar surface.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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