queercommunist #fundie queercommunist.tumblr.com

I get why people want to believe in the miracle presented by the psychiatric industry but the fact is their diagnoses are almost all guesses, it is awful science that divides them, and their drugs have been shown to be objectively more harmful than helpful for all but the most severely affected people, such that 40% of the improvement “gained” by the use of antidepressants can be attributed to the placebo affect and that only 10-15% of patients are even able to garner any of that effect from pills with sometimes terrible side effects and which pass terrible tests designed by the people who sell them. These drugs literally only have to publish two positive trials for the FDA to approve them here in the US, no matter how many negative trials are published or done and left unpublished. And that’s infuriating and unethical.

There has never and probably will never be any solid evidence of a biochemical basis for mental illness and the fact that millions of people worldwide have been tricked by malicipus marketing into thinking there is, is sickening and upsetting. Some people seriously need medication in a medical sense. But most use them out of convenience because it is easier to believe you have a biochemical, neurological issue than to look at what’s going on in your life and make necessary changes.



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