bbbbwindows #fundie

Isn't it amusing that black holes have never been observed, never confirmed experimentally and defy confirmation? When did science become based on unproven theories? One wrong theory piled on top of another and the world just gets weirder and weirder. Same with neutron stars, dark energy, dark matter and nuclear fusion.
Truth is all of these inventions were created to mathematically justify gravity as the driving force in planet and star formation. It is not.
Plasma physicists have had it right all along . Electricity is the driving force for planet, star and galaxy formation. It is 10 to the 39th times more powerful than gravity. None of the above mentioned unprovable inventions are necessary with an "electric universe" model. Their theories can be supported in the lab and their observation agree with observed data.
The world becomes explainable and understandable. Until this model is accepted by the "establishment", science will continue to be mysterious fantasy.



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