Terry #fundie raptureready.com

The king of the kings of the east–unless something very dramatic happens to change the configuration of things east of the Euphrates, has to be China. It could, by itself, have manned a two-hundred-million soldier army even as far back as the 1970s. Today, with the other nations of Asia and their massive populations, the two-hundred-million figure presents no problem at all so far as potential for fulfillment of the prophecy is concerned. And, certainly, China exerts hegemony over all of the other nations of its oriental sphere. Many within secular news media are beginning to recognize the same things those who watch Bible prophecy and current events have been recognizing for some time: China indeed looks like a major influence on factors that might bring about profound changes in the world



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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