CYRIL #conspiracy
THE SOONER WE BLOW UP THE MOON, we can start living longer
during the course of my research I found an interesting anecdote :
in biblical times, before the great Universal Flood of Noah, humans enjoyed long life spans of around 1000 years.
After the flood, the life spans dropped off to around 40 years.
I realized, just like a flash of lightning during a thunderstorm, that the reason for the drop in human life span is quite simply due to our humble Moon.
Before the flood, the Earth had no Moon.
God suddenly introduced a Moon into our solar system, for the simple reason of shortening our lives.
This life shortening happens by the unnatural imposition of added gravity to our body.
Pre- Flood, humans were like giants ( even the bible says so )
huge man and women making huge babies living for several hundred years like Mathusala.
Since the additional lunar gravity was introduced, our bodies shrunk and we needed 500% additional food to eat and fuel and energy to get around.
Without the lunar gravity, our cars, trains, trucks and aeroplanes would need only 1/10th of the fuel and energy we are using today.
Governments and the Illuminati and TPTB, they all know this.
This is the reason why they have been stockpiling nuclear weapons.
They will not be used to blow other Countries up, but they are ready to go at a moment's notice in a concerted effort by all nuclear countries to blow up the moon.
This epic event will be the much awaited advent of the Millennium.