"Impotent enough to be easily thwarted with a few drugs by mere humans"
And not just a few drugs:
He was thwarted as far back as WWI, way before the invention of The Pill, never mind the Morning After Pill.
The modern-day Iron Chariot. Invented here in the UK almost a century ago. The ones today: USA's M1 Abrams. France's Leclercs. Germany's Leopard IIs. Israel's Merkavas [/Irony], Russia's T-90s, China's Type 99s, North Korea's Pokpung Ho's.
The above British Challenger II: God-Killers.
Your 'Puny God' in the words of The Hulk, can't do jack shit to us; even we civilians here in the UK, who can buy old MoD vehicles:
The above on their Abbot Self-Propelled Gun. Pink. Owned by this LGBT rights group. This was way before S-SM was legalised here in the UK. PROTIP: Romans 13:1-5. Coincidence? Where was God then? Where is your 'God' now?
In Soviet Britain, God worships you.
Abortion was legalised here in 1967, before Roe vs. Wade in the US (in 1973). The same year homosexuality was legalised in this country.
Oh, and don't forget Jer: Hosea 13:16.
"Bible Apologetics". What a terrible spin on someone who has absolutely nothing to do with 'Unconditional Love', or peoples' health. Guess "I'm God, therefore I can do whatever I like!" didn't have quite the same deceptively innocent ring to it. Go figure.
@FundieVision Inc
"Jerry-Poo has also in the past defined his own version of the Bible. (The King Jesus Version..)"
...and therefore the [I]Queen[/I] Jesus Version.
He did hang around with twelve men, two of whom were sailors; one of said twelve kissed him. Hardly associated with women, if ever, never had a girlfriend, nor did he marry one. Told others to 'Love your fellow man'. Wore a dress too...!
Oh, and remember, Jer: If you use the QJV, you're a Protestant. And they, by definition, aren't supposed to give a fuck for Catholic doctrine: such as Contraception & Abortion.
The Buggars must be Catholics then, Jer. [/hyper-paradox]