Whether you realize it or not, men look at certain portions of the body, and it doesn’t matter whether you think that is good, bad, or otherwise, they are going to do it. And if you wear clothing that attracts attention to that, you are just helping them in their sin. That’s why a dress, unless it’s too tight, is better than pants, because a dress does not draw the attention to that part of the body that people look at and lust after.
Remember Women, there is not a single thing that I, as a man, can do to you and you not be blamed for it.
Elmwood Baptist Church = Christian Taliban calling for burkas, because men can't keep it into their pants, and women are fragile creatures that can be brought to tears with a mere glace at her legs. The idiocy is strong here.
Oh I realize it, I simply don't give a shit. Fuck these stupid, weak little man-children. If some fundie has a problem with my clothes, he can man up & tell me himself, after which he will promptly be told to fuck off.
And if you wear clothing that attracts attention to that, you are just helping them in their sin.
Men being attracted to women is just natural sexuality. If your god finds it offensive, he should have chosen a different method for procreation.
That’s why a dress, unless it’s too tight, is better than pants, because a dress does not draw the attention to that part of the body that people look at and lust after.
What about people like me who are turned on by women's legs?
You know, it's things like this that, if I was a woman, make me compelled to walk around revealingly around here with nothing happening just to piss these guys off.
Seriously, jackass, self. control. Look it up.
A dress does not draw attention to that part of the body .....er....where is that neckline going? Zip that thing UP when you're in church.....er....black lace? Gulp.
It always amazed me as a teenager (many long years ago) when I wanted to leave off a bra on a sweltering hot day, and my mother had a fit about my "indecency", but it was perfectly normal for women (both young and old) to jack 'em up to their chin and go to church.
Feh, people are going to notice people no matter what they wear.
I've had compliments and insults for the way I dress (long skirts, frills if I can get away with it, and lots of colours), but I don't care if someone randomly finds it attractive.
I dress for myself, after all.
It doesn't matter what someone is wearing, if a person can't control themselves around other people, they should perhaps not be out in public.
People are supposed to be responsible for their own actions.
Or at least the adults are.
I just realized after a barrage of these woman shaming posts lately that I don't spend time thinking about what nonsexual body parts women display that horn up all the church going men.
Maybe y'all should stop too. Stop the whole insane thing and get with it. Thousands of years of talking shit without one damn answer or improvement, just stop already with the prudish bullshit.
Yes I do. Butts mostly, though I'm not past appreciating the boobitological area when nicely displayed.
This does not, however, amount to an excuse to be a creep; nor is it any woman's fault that I may find them nice to look at.
"That’s why a dress, unless it’s too tight, is better than pants, because a dress does not draw the attention to that part of the body that people look at and lust after."
Unless you put a spycam on the toe of your shoe and slide it between her legs.
:O oh noes! Everyone's naked under their clothes! What if men come to this realisation and layers, layers of fabric can't contain their lust?! They'll all go to hell because of the evil wimmunfolk not having the decency to be born in overalls!!
...alternatively we could just teach everyone that no-one has a right to someone else's body, no matter how much it's 'drawn attention' to.
Whether you realize it or not, men look at certain portions of the body....
Same, here with us women, bozo. I find myself looking at cute guys and staring at their cute tushies and bulges.
So cutie-boys wear burkhas, too?....
....Cover up, David; You SHAMELESS man-hussy!
If they are going to look there no matter what,why does it matter if i draw attention to it or not? Anyone can be attracted to any part of any person's body and merely existing can attract someone else. There is absolutely no way to stop humans from having thoughts or fantasizing. It's in our damn genes to be like this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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