Janet Porter #fundie rightwingwatch.org
When you issue an invitation to predators to walk into women’s private dressing rooms and restrooms, don’t be surprised when they accept.
Less than three weeks after Target’s open-door policy, a man walked into the ladies’ changing room with his camera phone and video-recorded an underage girl trying on clothes. When he is done uploading all that footage onto the Internet, he can always go back to Target for more.
How many more women is Target going to allow to be victimized before they change their insane policy that puts women and young girls at risk?
It’s crazy – literally. Target is putting its female customers at risk for a fraction of a percentage of the population who have a certified mental disorder.
If Target wants build its policies to accommodate those with mental disorders, perhaps they should also have an “Anorexic Department” where they mark size “0” clothes as XXL so as to accommodate the very thin who “identify” as very fat. Installing distorted fun-house mirrors could help ensure that the anorexic’s appearance matches her distorted identity. That would be stupid. But their current policy is more than stupid – it is dangerous because it lets predators, peeping Toms and the more than 800,000 registered sex offenders walk into the bathroom and fitting rooms right along with the cross dressers.
There’s a reason why the American College of Pediatricians call endorsing gender confusion “child abuse” – going along with their game of pretend actually harms them. Just as letting men – including predators – into women’s private facilities invites harm.