Steve Van Nattan #fundie

Yes, this was said of Israel. But consider-- If God would judge Israel for 2500 years for forgetting Him, what would He do to Gentile nations which have rejected His Light which came, "out of due time?" I believe God intends to wipe the Western nations off the map. The only lands which will be present in the Messianic Kingdom, anything like they are now, will be the nations of Africa and the Middle East. Some of the "Islands of the sea," who have not entirely lost their first love, may also be left in tact.

Even today, Africa has more true Christian zeal than the United States. You will look long and hard to find Africans rolling on the floor like greasy pigs and dogs in "holy laughter." You will be very lonely in Malawi and Zambia if you try to preach, as Bill Clinton's pastor does, that Jesus was a drag queen. Even the Muslim Sheiks will spit in your face. You will not find the atheism on the streets of Nairobi, Cairo, and Lagos that you find in any city of America, in Germany, and the United Kingdom.

So, here at Balaam's Ass Speaks, we agree with God. We look forward with delight to the soon destruction of the nations who have known God and rejected Him-- especially the United States of America, Europe, and the United Kingdom. We have no interest in saving these nations as nations. We rejoice in the soon annihilation of the Royal families of Europe who have turned to Freemasonry, Druid Witchcraft, and nihilism. We only hope to save some souls in the USA, Europe, and the Aryan race before they are all turned into hell in a hand basket.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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