TruthIsNeverTooHorrible #conspiracy
Modern History's most bombastic revelation: Father of current Illuminati's LEADER same as most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus & Muhammad
REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M shortly before the BIG BANG.
The same Prophet who revealed March 20 2013 for the first time in History the NAME of the current LEADER of Illuminati.
Current illuminati's leader REAL name matches exactly his uncle's name.
His uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.
Father of current LEADER of Illuminati
Accordingly to the official story, the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati was half-german and already at least 37 years old when he changed:
- his last name from [H _ T _ _ _ ] to [H _ _ _ T _ _ ];
- added a middle name, meant to be used attached to his new last name, that sounds exactly like the official last name of the current illuminati leader.
Mother of current LEADER of Illuminati
The official story about the mother of the current LEADER of the Illuminati:
- her birthdate is not precised and given only by an expression that once you google it returns as first result the wikipedia page about the current illuminati leader;
- although she was officially german, her first name is english and both her family names were the two most common french first names at the time.
- JEAN, the first of those two french names, is actually the first name of the most famous role interpreted by the current illuminati leader (Capitain JEAN Luc Picard).
This officially makes the current illuminati leader of 75% german descent.
However in his role in politics as "Dr. Ron Paul" (1) he is officially "87.5% of German descent".
FATHER of current LEADER of Illuminati in Facebook
Both (original and changed) official names of the father of the current LEADER of Illuminati are on Facebook and they display the same page.
As of today it displays NOT his photo but his mother's photo.
Although his son rules over billions of people, from more than one billion chinese to half a billion in all of North America and Mexico to almost another half billion in the EU, as of today 317 people like him.
That is an increase of two in a period of seven weeks, up from 315, when Last Prophet Matt Marriott posted this at godlikeproductions, a forum managed by the CIA Web of Disinfo, that deleted it shortly after (2).
Family life of the parents of the current illuminati leader.
To describe it, a 2006 article in the United Kingdom's second biggest-selling daily newspaper uses an alternative expression for "they married and lived happily ever after".
That expression was: "The couple [ E _ B _ _ _ _ _ D] on a peaceful existence".
As of today (and surely from day one of Google's existence) an exact Google search for this expression returns the Daily Mail page as the ONLY result among billions of Google indexed pages.
Part of their "peaceful existence" included naming the oldest son (the current illuminati leader) after his father's uncle, an "extraordinary choice" in the words of the previously mentioned 2005 Daily Mail article.
Real name of the current illuminati leader and TRUTH about the "death" of his father's uncle exposed
The previous revelation about who was the father of the current illuminati leader implicates that accordingly to the official story he has been the only person in the world carrying the name of his father's uncle ever since he was born.
But the previous revelation about who is the current illuminati leader contradicts this conclusion.
The current illuminati leader was born before 1949, his official birthdate, in fact before 1945, the official death date for his father's uncle.
Add to this his father's uncle didn't die the day we are taught by Illuminati History books. Reminder: the FULL STORY of this staged death was exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet.
In other words: the current illuminati leader had the chance to meet his father's uncle and after World War II they were probably living in the same area.
The father the son and the father's uncle
At this point it should be clear who is the father of the current LEADER of the Illuminati (or in other words: "Sir Patrick Stewart"'s real name, the exact same name as his father's uncle).
If that is not the case, a transcription from the original article by Last Prophet:
As poster from Israel (country's IP is visible in godlikeproductions, supposedly a site for "Anonymous Cowards" without registration requirements) posts here, a reminder:
His son also rules over the treasonous Israeli government (Peres, Bibi).
The IV Reich also includes the locations for what WOULD BE South America's first Olympic Games (Brazil 2016) and what were Africa's first and LAST Football World Championships (South Africa 2012).
"Would be" and "Last" because there is no time left even for what would be the next Football World Championships (Brazil 2014).
The core of the father's official changed name sounds EXACTLY LIKE Patrick Stewart, the name his son is known today, and it reads almost exactly the same.
The father's uncle is the most widely known man in History, together with Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.
(1) The role of the the current Illuminati LEADER as "Dr Ron Paul":
"he would be elected president of the USA WITHOUT having to rig the election using voting machines software, was it NOT for the fact that he plays the LOSER role in politics".
(2) The most bombastic revelation of the XXI century, by Last Prophet Matt Marriott, at forum for "alternative news" godlikeproductions, in fact managed by the Illumianti Web of Disinfo.
It was deleted shortly after by the illuminati, but the TRUTH survived in the internet archive:
Leader of astronots is himself one - REVEALED WORLDWIDE first by LAST PROPHET Matt M, March 2013