Mack Major #fundie

Christians need to STOP allowing the secular media and 'internet exposers' to dictate to them how they should feel about another believer.

People that go around in the name of Christ, so-called 'exposing' other ministers and their ministries really have an intense agenda against Christianity- and against ministers in particular.

They will cast any preacher of the Bible in a negative light every chance they get: and many Christians are dumb enough to believe whatever the Christ-hating 'exposers' tell them about another Christian. Some of this is driven by pure jealousy. And some has a far more sinister aspect to it.

Take the recent fallout with Brian Carn. For those who don't know Brian Carn is a preacher who recently underwent intense scrutiny, vilification and attacks against his ministry after someone calling themselves a Christian revealed that he had been using the predictions of a witch to forecast upcoming events.

I don't know the guy personally, so I can't confirm nor deny these allegations. Nor do I care to. That's not my point in bringing him up. My perspective on this is different altogether.

Someone with an obvious vendetta against the man spliced together a video that allegedly shows him using the predictions of a witch, that was posted on Youtube. The moment I heard this story and saw the immediate fallout from all those Christians who couldn't wait to say something negative about the man, I immediately smelled a rat.

First off: the person who 'exposed' him calls herself a Christian too. When you look at this person's pictures on Youtube, you can clearly see how lasciviously she dresses and presents herself. That was the first red flag for me.

The second red flag was obvious too - though many apparently missed this: What was SHE doing following a witch on Youtube???

The only way she could know that Brian Carn was using this witch's predictions (allegedly) was if SHE was following the same witch herself! Duh!

This is the type of stuff I'm talking about. You let someone pop up out of nowhere, say something negative against another Christian, and just believe the negative report - without doing any deeper investigation!

The Bible says that >>>Satan<<< goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. *1 Peter 5:8* Satan does the exposing and destroying - and he's great at what he does. He doesn't need the help of Christians to do his job!

What kind of family does Jesus have if the family members are so quick to turn on each other, or quick to label each other as false prophets the moment someone says something they don't like or agree with?

"If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other." Galatians 5:15.

This is why I refer to some Christians as the walking dead. They're like zombies: going around seeking another believer to attack and devour with their negative mouths. Always gossiping, spreading rumors, or assassinating the characters and ministries of good men and women.

It's gotten so bad with this nowadays that I'm more than likely to believe the one being attacked or 'exposed' over the ones doing the exposing! No proof is ever needed: just an accusation alone will provide the excuse to attack and kill one of our own.

I know there is much errant teaching and tons of false prophets circulating within the Body of Christ today. I know this because the Bible said this would be a hallmark of the last days. And this isn't just about Brian Carn, who as far as I'm concerned is innocent until otherwise proven guilty.

This is more so about you and I.

Why are we so quick as believers to believe a bad report about one another - even if the person providing the report is someone of lesser character than the person they are reporting on?

Why were Christians so quick to accept the word of a lasciviously dressed woman who apparently follows the teachings of witches herself? Where is the discernment? Have we developed so much preacher-man hate that we've basically become just like the world?

Wise up and start using sound Godly wisdom. There's a difference between correcting an errant teaching or teacher by using the Light of the Word of God, and assassinating someone's character without even giving that person a fair trial or a chance to explain themselves appropriately.

I just needed to get that off my chest. I didn't want to bring it up at the height of this alleged scandal, because I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. But it's time for believers in Jesus Christ to exercise wisdom and caution.

Today they're exposing that preacher 'over there' - tomorrow someone may be exposing and slandering YOU.

We HAVE to do better as the Body of Christ



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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