JohnnyJohnJohn #fundie

[Note: JohnnyJohnJohn changed his name earlier today AGAIN, he used to be Todd JQB, before that VX3, and the day before, SEDAGIV - he appears to be hiding from someone/something]

"People who are asexual are not normal though. It's normal to have a sex drive."

And people who have sex with the same gender are not normal.

"They would probably reply that you, as a heterosexual, are not "normal". You have to get over these rather nasty attitudes toward folk who are born differently from you."

And they would be idiots to say that, considering how the human race propogates: male with female. You have to get over this rather disgustingly tolerant attitude towards people who choose to engage in abnormal behavior.

"Sure, I'll get over my tolerant attitude! I'll stop tolerating bigots like yourself who hate people merely because they have a different sexuality.
Have these awful people done you any harm, do they impinge on your life in any way, do you lie awake at night worrying that hordes of ravening homosexuals are coming to ravage you and your family.
Get over it mate. Society is changing. Same sex marriage is here to stay. You'll just have to live with it or nurse your little hatred until it eats you up."

Get over it yourself. Society is going Same sex marriage and all other deviant and abnormal activities people choose to engage in will be coming to a swift end. You'll just have to deal with your abject terror and realization of being so wrong in your final moments.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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