(The article was on a Nigerian church collapse that resulted in the deaths of at least 60 people.)
They were Christians, so they kinda deserved it for being idiots.
Well, they would be alive today had they not been Christians, but regardless of someone's personal beliefs everyone has the right to gather in a building with the expectation it's not going to fall on them.
Neomatrix continues to be a colossal racist who has no idea what he's talking about.
Nice job selling atheism as morally superior to religion, really makes you look good to complain about how evil religious people are while going around saying that most of the world's population deserve to die.
Problem is, they're fundies, so having their own religion literally collapse on top of them is delicious irony. Plus, these are the same people who burn children alive as witches.
@NeoMatrix: You believe all religious people are fundies. Yet you fail to take into account that YOU are a fundie. Thus, by your own psychopathic reasoning, you deserve whatever awful things happen to you.
Also: racists are (by dint of their ignorance) either idiots, evil, or both. Which are you?
Really? They did? The people at this specific church burned children alive?
I'm betting that's not true. If you can give any evidence whatsoever that the people who died here burned anyone alive I will mail you $1000000 and move to the US and vote for Trump. However if you can't find any evidence they did you have to change your user name to "Lying Racist Shitface" and apologize for being a dick. Accept?
Even the 'Prawns' possess more humanity than you ever will, NeoNazi.
I suggest you watch Neill Blomkamp's film "District 9".
You're Koobus Venter (David James).
What if you contract a terminal disease: and it's only via the DNA of an African: a Christian, that a cure can be found via Gene Therapy?
But a fundie like you should be left to die. You deserve it for being an idiot. [/Sauce for the Goose]
Just popped down from the forums to see what the Flame&Burn post about this Neomatrix thingy was about aaand...
...Holy fuckin' horseshoe theory batman. NumptyMatrix you are as knee deep in close minded culty bulkshit as the the religious fundies.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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