Temp20282 #fundie reddit.com

They can't do that. The left has never been able to engage the actual right wing ("far right") in debate openly, they rely on either violence or in forcing the opposition to concede to their worldview in advance (eg "racism is wrong, you must agree that it's wrong or I will ban you, now try to argue your point of view under that restriction").

The left will only debate with milquetoast "conservatives" who have already conceded to the leftist worldview and are hamstrung on that basis.
When the "far right" starts to speak openly and without forced concession, the left cannot respond with debate and so resorts to violence.

But they should be careful, because after "punch a nazi" comes "shoot a marxist", and this time there's no USSR to save them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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