The Sexual Revolution of the 60s was worse than the Holocaust
Sure, in the Holocaust, a lot of people died and it was pretty uncomfortable. But it was over in a couple of years and ever since then J-words have been living with unparalleled special treatment that only women exceed.
The Sexual Revolution was far worse. It undone centuries of social progress. Every achievement we'd made since the 1780s just disappeared. It condemned literally millions upon millions of men throughout the ages to a life of inceldom. It destroyed standards and morals by normalising shit music, drugs and the "club and casual sex" degenerate lifestyle. It was the progenitor of feminism which is and always has been an anti-male/anti-ugly male hate movement.
In short, the Sexual Revolution was our very own Holocaust but we're unlucky enough that it never ends, and we must live in the concentration camp of the degenerate modern day for our whole lives with the knowledge that things will only get worse. Already polyamory is being normalised and considered by sluts to be a valid form of relationship. Serial monogamy (basically the same thing) was normalised a while ago.
We're absolutely fucked, incels. Chad has won. We are hated because we're ugly, and that's the top and bottom of it. Personality means nothing if a slut can go to a club and have sex with a different alpha male every night.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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