It is a horrible sin for a woman to reveal her nakedness in public by wearing a bikini. Many women dress in bikinis and then are paranoid that a lustful man may lust upon them. Some men get jealous and angry when other men look upon their wives, and rightfully so; but if those women would stop sinning and put some clothes on their nakedness, there would be nothing to lust upon. Lust requires an immodestly dressed woman to complete. A lustful man ought to have to guess and image what a woman's body looks like, but if you take your clothes off, then he doesn't have to imagine anything, because your nakedness is seen by him.
You are just as guilty of adultery as he is because you encouraged the sin of lust by your whorish attire (Matthew 5:28). Prostitutes wear more clothing than girls and women at the beach do in skimpy bikinis. Mamas are so stupid when they let their little girls run around in their underwear. Then those mothers freak out when a pedophile kidnaps and molests their child. What do you expect? You never know what is going on in a person's mind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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