Funny, if you force transmen to go to the toilet of their birth-sex, you would get this exact outcome. And the whole dialogue would be much more appropiate, just not in the way you would want it to be.
P.S.: Whoever made this sucks at drawing.
P.P.S.: Appeal to emotion for the win!
P.P.P.S.: What kind of toilet has open stalls anyway?
We're not allowed to speak the truth, Anonymous is right about that. Look what happens when a Christian commits a terrorist act and is called on it. Look what happens when a Christian is outed as a paedophile.
Also this is another comic that makes me think poor man's Bronco
No woman who was openly transgender would dress like that in public, be bald without wearing a wig, and grow a mustache. I mean, that's kind of an issue in a different way - people shouldn't be gender-policed by their choice of dress and grooming either - but as long as society continues to do that, this is profoundly unrealistic and you'd be right to believe that "she" is lying.
Most people have seen men pee, as some of them tend to do it in public, against walls.
Who said you're not allowed to speak? It's not the truth you're blathering about, though, but you ARE allowed to speak. Others are allowed to point and laugh at you.
These are trans women:
And how many ladies' bathrooms have you been in, where there are toilets without stalls?
Do woman's bathrooms have open stalls? As a man I have never been inna woman's bathroom but I know most men's bathrooms have private stalls for number two. Logically I would think all woman's bathrooms would have private stalls.
If I'm wrong let me know but this is just something that seems illogical.
To answer everyone's question about women's washroom's having stalls, they do; I spent a couple summers working a custodial job in college and I had to go into the ladies' room a couple times before and after the place I was working at opened or closed for the day because the women I was working with couldn't.
The unisex toilets in the workplace in the series "Ally McBeal".
Public toilet facilities =/= Workplace .
Also, those sorts of karzis are in cubicles . There's an extremely good reason why urinals are in the men's toilets.
I've had jobs at a few different restaurants, and a hospital, so I've seen my share of women's rooms. I've never seen one that didn't have stalls. Hell, I've never seen a MEN'S public restroom that didn't, unless it was one of those with just the one toilet.
Actually, wait a minute...that cartoon is apparently taking place in some strange universe where toilets are located outside of restrooms. (since the WOMEN sign would be on the OUTSIDE of the door, after all)
* A transwoman is going to look like a woman or at least dress the part. She wouldn't be some bald guy with a mustache in loud clothes.
* Women's toilets have stalls. The exception would be those small, one-toilet restrooms where the whole room is "the stall".
* The "Women's Room" sign would not be on the inside.
* The toilet is right next to the door. In real life, it would more likely be the sinks or the towels/hand-dryer THEN the sinks.
Drawn by someone who has never been inside the ladies. (Hint: The ladies doesn't have urinals.)
Note: Even taking the toilet without the stalls, this is wrong. The door would be locked and this sort of public toilet would be unisex anyway.
Seriously, just have the basic decency to at least use the bathroom that best corresponds with your appearance.
If you pass off as female, use the female room. Nobody will notice.
If you don't, don't. Use the male room. It makes you look like a creeper and if you don't respect our culture and our privacy why should anyone respect you?
The reason why men and women segregate when they're doing intimate things like peeing or shitting is because you're in a vulnerable state when your pants are down. Literally. We're trying to minimize sexual abuse. And also because many of us are just not comfortable doing that shit around the opposite sex. That's why we also have segregated jails, segregated locker rooms and we don't want an opposite sex person strip searching us.
What exactly is your next step? Unisex jails? Good luck handling all the rape cases since all the men (and half of people in prison are total degenerates anyway, you REALLY don't want them in a confined place with the opposite sex) are going to be identifying as women just to get vulnerable pussy.
The last time I saw toilets without stalls was in primary school. You know, those tiny kids' toilets.
This is just total propaganda.
@ SJW whatever
Yeah yeah, nice try, but no cigar. The whole debate (as far as I understand it) is about letting transsexuals either use the toilet assigned to their gender or the biological sex they were born with. Appearance didn't really factor in on either side of the debate, since, well, it just isn't a good discriminating factor. Most transsexuals try to look as much as their real gender as possible, even before any kind of sex change (I mean, it's the whole point for them). No one gets to decide whether they look "womanly" enough to use the toilet (how would that be decided anyway?). And how many actual cases (!) did you hear of in which someone molested women on the toilet and defended himself by saying "no no, I'm transsexual, I swear"? On the other hand, transwomen are one of the most sexually molested minorities, especially on toilets if they are forced to use the mens room. And transmen being forced to use the one for women is equally ridiculous. It would be the exact scenario you would like to avoid: A man, looking like a man, having to use the female room. Because, and I can't stress that enough, transsexuals aren't just men who feel like women and women who feel like men, they are actually, biologically in the wrong body. Their brains have one sex and their body has the other. Transwomen are women and transmen are men. It's as simple as that.
Last but not least: This whole debate isn't actually about bathrooms and toilets. It's about the willfull misunderstanding and demonization of transsexuals as mentally ill people and/or sexual predators. And this propaganda piece of a shitty caricature is a really good indication for that. You don't have to be a SJW (a word that really has lost all meaning) to see that.
This has to be the worst rendition of a public restroom, men's or women's, I have ever seen committed to pixels. Everyone on this site is dumber for having seen it. I award it no points, and may god have mercy on its soul.
Anyway, clearly the solution is to abolish urinals. Nothing of value will be lost.
Figures the SJW Critic/Alex85/conservatroll would agree with the cartoon though he doesn't realize most are for keeping children away from paedophiles and women away from racists. It's just that we're aware holy rollers tend to be the worst about those things but judging from other posts he has made in the past it amounts to
Stop holding Christians accountable for the actions of a few Christians
All non Christians are represented by the worst
It's ok if you're a Christian
Where aren't you allowed to "speak the Truth any more"?
Haven't seen anybody face punishment for it . Oh, wait, At Trump rallies, Republican events, FoxNews, churches.
Can't think of one case involving trangenders using washrooms
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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