I thought long and hard about the terrible violence in Charlottesville and removing the statue of General Lee.
I believe the communist Jews want to remove all of the gentile icons including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, John F. Kennedy etc. because none of them were too happy about Jew bankers and war profiteers.
The jews, after destroying all of these icons, and after seeking approval from “Black Lives Matter” funded by the Jew billionaire George Soros can put up statues of Karl Marx (Jew), Vladimir Lenin (Jew), Leon Trotsky (Jew), O.J. Simpson (Jew created and defended sports hero), Jamie Foxx (Black comedian who said he enjoyed killing white people in his movie) etc.
This means that Hollywood Jews will continue to produce movies using their Black puppets as actors while demonizing gentiles and White Christians as no-good Nazis and racists which means it’s very doubtful if they’ll produce a movie about the Jews and “free Blacks” that profited greatly from the slave trade before the Civil War.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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