Citizenfitz #racist

A Jewish-English dictionary: what Jews say - and what Jews are REALLY saying.

Antisemite: Someone Jews hate
Freedom: Depravity
Equality: Gross favoritism
Tolerance: Debauchery
Holocaust: The holy cash cow
Holocaust denial: Blasphemy

Freedom of speech: Shut up, Nazi!
Hate speech: Words Jews hate
Race: Something that exists only in the minds of racists
Racist: A White person
Racism: A mantra used to program liberals

Liberal: Schmuck
Liberalism: Schmuck farming
Social justice: Cultural Marxism
Civil rights: Run-up to multiculturalism
Multiculturalism: Nation wrecking

Feminism: Home wrecking
Gay marriage: Society wrecking
Gay rights: Disease propagation
Teenagers: A mob of criminally violent Blacks
Hater: Right winger
Right winger: (See “hater”)

Conspiracy theorist: Someone who’s on to the Jews
Right wing extremist: Anyone Jews hate
Left wing extremist: Freedom fighter
Justice: Jewish scheming
Injustice: Resisting Jewish scheming

Zionism: Scheme for Jewish world rule
Communism: Scheme for achieving Zionism
Democracy: Scheme for national Jew rule
Republicanism: Scheme for local Jew rule
Republicans: Useful idiots
Democrats: Very useful idiots

Gentile: Sub-human
Goyim: Sub-animal
Negro/Schwarza: Sub-goyim
Christian Zionist: Imbecile
Antisemitic canard: Indisputable truth



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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