Mack Major #fundie

[This is what Eden Decoded looked like back when it was up]

To help accommodate that work of saving lost Christian souls - an obvious oxymoron if ever there was one - and to be more effective at it, I created a website once it became clear that social media sites had become antagonistic towards real Christian content. I also created several ebooks to address specific topics that few in the church rarely talk on. And to fund the website I charged for those ebooks.

I didn't create a corny "Wix" site like some of you keep suggesting; because wix is cheap, cheesy and very unprofessional. That's what's wrong with many Christians: always looking to cut corners instead of giving your very best and paying the cost to represent God to the fullest.

Some of you approach serving the Lord the same way: by using some cheap cookie-cutter approach. And that's why folks don't want your salvation nor your God. Besides: Jesus didn't give us a "Wix" salvation! He gave us the very best that He could afford to give us: which was His very own life. Can't get more costlier than that!

So I and my team at Eden Decoded decided to give you a high quality website form the very beginning: the best that we could afford to give even though it hurts a little bit to do so. And yes, it does cost to have your own dedicated server and extra cyber security to ward off hackers and other potential problems. But the best things always do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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