the Truth is stranger than fiction... #fundie

(Context: This man is a Flat Earth Preacher and has a whole YouTube channel devoted to that ministry. These are two comments in a video in which he responds to a CREATIONIST refuting Flat Earth)

Comment One: You think Lisle has "spend most of his life doing actual research"...???? Your comment here actually highlights one of the main false assumptions that is central to this whole affair, the false assumption I am actually taking aim AT... Did Lisle actually discover or confirm any of the claims of Copernicanism by way of conducting his own experiments? Challenging the status quo? Weighing what was being taught by the mainstream against what the Bible says, and seeing if observation might show the mainstream to be false? No. The only aspect he has had the courage to question is the vast stretches of Evolutionary time. Yet he turns around and regurgitates everything the same cosmic evolutionists teach about vast stretches of space. Lisle did not get his Phd in astronomy by questioning if modern astronomy was as much of a pseudoscientific lie as Darwinian evolution is. I am not judging him "as a person". I am pointing out the glaring bias present in someone who's entire professional existence is predicated upon the assumption that Copernican astronomy is true. But since you mentioned it, I have done my own research. Both Biblical, and empirical, and unfortunately I can simply no longer accept the indefensible claim that the Bible actually teaches the Copernican model. Nor can I accept the assertion that humans have been into "outer space", or walked on the moon. I have made dozens of videos now which chronicle the progression of my research. Where's yours??

Comment Two: You're correct. The original Hebrew cosmology is not a flat pancake floating in space. Coincidentally, this is not what modern FE'ers believe either. There is no such thing as "space" at all. You have not done a shred of actual research, as neither has Lisle, who for the record, was not being "attacked" via ad hominem. It is hardly a "personal attack" to simply point out the ridiculous degree of bias an individual like Lisle has when it comes to questioning Copernican astronomy. The proof for the Flat Earth is extensive. The proof for the globe is assumptive reasoning and circular arguments based on shadows in wells, and fake NASA pictures. Fake as the pictures of Evolutions' celebrated "missing links' in fact. It's all one big Evolutionary fairy tale. All of it.?



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