FACEandLMS #sexist incels.is

REMINDER: if all men (e.g. politicians, soldiers) were as blackpilled as incels, women's rights would be taken away overnight

We would return to traditionalism within a generation. Tinder would be outlawed. Children would grow up in two-parent families because women would know that if they left their husband, Mr Govt wouldn't be there to step-in. Women wouldn't need to worry about muh wage gap cuz they'd be at home raising their children instead of paying a DIFFERENT woman to do it (daycare BTFO). Less men would go ER. STD rates would fall. The white birthrate would increase (I'm not white btw, cucktears so I can't really be a white nationalist).

What would women be able to do about it if we decided enough's enough? Fight us with their sheer, masculine strength? Take up arms? No. They'd do what they did in Iran in the 1970s when the govt decided to take away women's rights: they'd accept it. Apparently, Iran was pretty westernized in terms of women's dress-codes. Fast forward to a patriarchal govt (AN ACTUAL ONE), and women's rights were blown the fuck out like an incel's dignity on Tinder. What did the women do? Join a women's army? Overpower men with their brute strength? NO. They said: "Oh well. Dammit." And accepted it.

Women only get away with what men allow them and help them to. Women need feminist, cuckold men to be "free". And before CuckTears labels me a 17yo basment dweller, I am actually in a STEM job and have a degree, Women may not like what I am saying but they can't deny it: women couldn't do FUCK-ALL if men decided enough's enough. Which woman reading this is ready to try to beat up a lot of guys to fight for their continued freedom? Which woman COULD?

inb4 Ronda Rhousey is strong and represents all women's potential (she would get her ass kicked eventually by a man anyway) inb4 "this is why he's incel because of his views on feminism. women can totally read his aura. It can't be that women aren't attracted to ugly faces" inb4 offtopic offtangent femtalk, ignoring the cold fact: women could not do FUCK-ALL if all men were incel and decided enough is enough. I think I may have put enough pre-emptive rebuttals in this post to make it unscreenshottable by CuckTears. If you don't see it on CuckTears then this is the case.



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