some MRAs #sexist

[Highlights from their second thread on this article]

Re: Men are more disadvantaged than women in the UK, US and most of Europe, scientists claim


Because it's an awful measurement used.

It's certainly superior to that of the feminist WEC and UN indexes, which don't even taken into account areas in which males are behind females in a particular area. In fact the WEC index actually portrays female superiority as "more equal". So this is at least a step in the right direction.

However it's flawed. The paper doesn't really get into the institutional oppression of males in western nations and focuses mainly on health. It doesn't mention MGM, discrimination against boys in school, institutional discrimination against males in the family and criminal courts, the constant hate campaigns against males in the media, the demonization of male sexuality, discrimination against white men in the workplace, discrimination against homeless men in shelter access, complete lack of reproductive rights, curtailments of due process rights, paternity fraud, male victims of domestic and sexual violence etc. etc.

Basically it just scratches the surface. But yeah, still vastly superior to feminist attempts at measuring "gender equality", which are completely fraudulent if not downright bizarre.

Take some of this with a grain of salt.

no doubt men are disadvantaged in many areas, but some of their overall data is flawed.

take their example of saudi arabia:

The researchers said the gravest disadvantage facing men was often heath, particularly in countries with high levels of alcohol consumption, which tends to lower men’s lifespan.


For women, the disadvantages are strongly related to education.

one is not like the other, and comparing the two are dumb as shit.

for men, its our own faults that are holding back (in saudi arabia not else where). where as women's one is institutionalized

Males suffer institutional oppression in almost every area of western life. Boys can have their genitals legally mutilated, causing hundreds of deaths every year; boys suffer institutional discrimination in schools (see CH Sommers "The War Against Boys"; also we now known that female teachers mark boys down by an average of 20 percent for the same work); males in college are routinely denied due process rights when accused of some crime by a woman; entire departments in universities are devoted to demonizing males and male sexuality; countries like Canada are literally attempting to reverse due process in rape cases; "female only" scholarships and programs continue despite women making up a strong (and growing) majority on college campuses; men are twice as likely to be arrested and charged when they commit a crime and receive on average 60 percent longer prison sentences; male victims of sexual violence by women rarely receive justice; men are profiled as pedophiles when they want to work with children; white men suffer institutional discrimination in the workplace due to affirmative action and corporate "diversity" measures; males have zero reproductive rights; males routinely suffer discrimination in the family courts, and are sometimes denied access to their children due to false accusations (which are hardly ever punished); though men pay the majority of taxes (females have a net drain on the tax system) nearly all gender-specific programs by government cater to females; much more money is spent on female health care than male health care; male victims of domestic violence are routinely arrested for domestic violence; I could go on indefinitely.

So yeah, you have it exactly backwards. Women suffer from social issues, mostly based on their choices, but it is males that suffer institutional oppression.

The third world is a different ballgame. It's difficult to get accurate information in part because feminist organizations only concentrate on areas in which females are allegedly disadvantaged.

Even in "patriarchical" countries (eg Saudi Arabia) you can find clear evidence of male institutional oppression. Eg men being thrown in prison if they lose their job and can't support their wives; men being treated much more harshly by the criminal justice system (which, again, is an example of institutional discrimination); males being considered expendable (whether in wars or the workplace or even leisure activities -- eg until a few years ago in Saudi Arabia boys as young as 4 were forced to become "camel jockeys" and would frequently die as a result); male victims of sexual and domestic violence being completely ignored (in many cases the law doesn't even conceive of female sexual assault as a crime, even if the victim is if a boy); and so on.

The much higher rates of male alcoholism are undoubtedly related to institutional discrimination, not in every case, but many.

The world filled with female middle management is discriminating against the male gender. It is happening in the West because the rsst of the world has not filled its office management and HR departments with women. The lesson to learn here is that a woman is a sexist and by giving them power to decide who gets what they give to other women and let the men do without. It must end or chaos will ensue.

Woman have always been more privileged than men. They point to kings and act as if that represents men at large.

Let's not forget women by and large did not want the vote in the early 20th century because they didn't want that responsibility.

Let's also not forget that women are by and large more pro-life than men.

If you want your cause taken seriously, I wouldn't recommend saying stuff like this.

There are two types of people in this world.

Those who don't care about facts or realities, only the feeling or emotion conveyed.

Those who don't care about feeling or emotions conveyed, only the facts and realities.

Most men fall into that second group, whereas most women fall into the first. Someone once said for men communication is all about content, for women it's context. So this is what makes it hard for women to take MRAs seriously. We are all about conveying the facts that make people feel uncomfortable, and women don't like the fact that it makes them feel uncomfortable, so they ignore it. It doesn't change the fact that these are in fact facts. And I will never apologize for stating what is demonstrably true.

Probably because white women usurped affirmative action, meant for minorities who were historically oppressed, and are usually the most underqualified people found in the workplace.

Another reason could be because feminists successfully infiltrated HR departments nationwide and mostly focus on getting women into the board rooms and high level positions of Corporate America, a place they did not build.

If you want your cause taken seriously, I wouldn't recommend saying stuff like this.

The part about voting is actually true. Feminists were pushing for the right to vote, but many women were fighting against it, since it also meant they would be eligible to be drafted to war. Of course men ultimately protected them from that responsibility, and died by the millions while women stayed at home.


We did it boys! We beat feminism.

Yep. Just like we did in the mid-70s when we proved parity in DV/IPV./s

I can see feminists explaining that it's because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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