Carico #fundie

I can see why atheists focus on God's wrath so much. They have the most to fear from it.

So do atheists really think that the more they call God a monster, a tyrant, cruel, evil, and immoral that that's going to manipulate God into changing his mind? Why do they think that slander and criticism will ever help them in any circumstance? Or do they just plain don't think?

So yes guys, God does destroy those who treat him and his creation with contempt. He does punish those who are arrogant enough to think they deserve the best that God has to offer without acknowledging him. And calling him name after name after name won't change that one bit.

But he also gives us a free pardon and our whole lives to acknowledge him. So why do atheists criticize him and reject his free pardon? Whose fault is that? Is anything ever the fault of atheists on their own eyes? No.

So since atheists aren't honest or intelligent enough to know why it's not wise to bite the hand that feeds them, then they'll have to learn by experience just how unwise that is.

So calling him evil, a monster, a tyrant, cruel, evil, unjust,and cursing his name and his creation will only seal your fate even more. After all the quotes that atheists use in the bible talking about what "atrocities' God does to those who disobey Him, they, of all people, should have learned by now what happens to those who continually mock him. But they haven't learned one thing. Unbelievable.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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