Uribe #fundie theresistancemanifesto.com

[On Pokemon]

You can tell a tree by its fruits. The fruits of this passion for Pokemon are want, anxiety, avarice, envy, jealousy, rage, self-exaltation, pride, conceit, and an abiding belief in evolution. The practice consumes time and interest, thus promoting idleness, disrespect, escapism, despair, and loneliness. (cf. Galatians 5:16-26)

At it's base level, Pokemon trains the sinful flesh to elevate itself to become the Master ("like God", cf. Isaiah 14:12-15)...

Nintendo has capitalized on the vulnerability of the novice. The clerks at Barnes and Noble Bookseller's promote Pokemon as an entry level game designed to prepare the uninitiated for the game called "Magic: the Gathering." "Magic: the Gathering" trains the apprentice for "Dungeons & Dragons" and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons." Like "Harry Potter" of the modern best seller fiction novels, the Masters of "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" are ready to be empowered for white witchcraft. The popularity of such spiritual games has laid the groundwork for many who have fallen into the coven of Wicca. (cf. Deuteronomy 18:9-14)...

There is nothing "magic" about the despair and death that lies at the end of the game. God's Word warns us against:

Simply sampling a little foolishness. (peri, eg. Proverbs 1:22, Proverbs 7:7, Proverbs 14:15);

Lest we begin to enjoy foolishness. (kesil, eg. Proverbs 10:23; Proverbs 14:8,l6);

If we enjoy foolishness, then we will begin to defend foolishness (ewil, eg. Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 14:9).

Once we are our own defense of our own foolishness, we have become the "Godless fool" with all his promotions of self and sorcery. (nabal, eg. Psalm 14:l).



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