The Palesterrorists are savages, barbarians. Only one thing will end their evil: annihilation.
It's bad enough that you're promoting the death of all Palestinians, DoctorDoom, but you also plagiarized Adolf Hitler.
Is it considered Godwin if it's true?
With his nickname being DoctorDoom, I detect troll.
Still, it does sound thoroughly evil in a comic book sort of way.
You people really should decide whether genocide is the problem with Palestine or the solution to Palestine.
Either way, you're wrong.
DoctorDoom! I missed him!
Well, not really, actually, but...
I can't believe I agree with this at least 10%. I say kill all Hamas and Fatah members, and all Islamic clergy in unclaimed Israel. But leave the children, women, and innocents alone, for FSM's skae.
Until, of course, more terrorists appear because of the irrational annihilation of palestinians, at which time you would be back a square 1. You can try this strategy until the world runs out of nukes, but you won't go too far.
I keep reading this "paleoterrorists", and getting rather flummoxed trying to imagine a band of fanatical bone-diggers.
I read it that way too at first, reminded of the language in Moebius' The Incal saga. ^^
And the Israeli people are denying them their rights, in essence doing just as much as them, the only difference is that they get the upper hand since their side is more "official" and most of the world hates islam ever since 9/11
I read it as Palace terrorists and wondered "what palace?".
Calling the Palestinians Palesterrorists is just as mature as calling Conservatives Conservaturds. Congratulation!
In the words of Dr Martin Luther King:
"Darkness can not drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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