[From a thread on what True Christians(TM) should not read/watch. The usual suspects are there e.g., Harry Potter, but VeggieTales? Seriously?]
...s anyone else bothered by Vegietales? I have seen a few and I think some of them (if not all) are disrespectful to God's Word and don't tell the exact story in the Bible. One episode I saw had nothing to do with God (except one mention of His name) and sounded like a rock concert.
The guys on that thread reject even C.S. Lewis, who, as far as I know, was a christian writer.
Also, this part defines the fundie way of thinking: "I have had several Christians try to tell me that those books are "Christian books." I have not read either, but I have seen and heard enough about both to know that they are not glorifying to God. "
If you're going to condemn a book, at least try to read a little bit of it.
"The guys on that thread reject even C.S. Lewis, who, as far as I know, was a christian writer."
C S Lewis was a Roman Catholic and, therefore, not a Christian at all in the eyes of your everyday average Fundamental Baptist.
Bear in mind that these are the folks that put the "mental" into "fundamentalist".
Hector said: "If you're going to condemn a book, at least try to read a little bit of it."
Agreed. Similarly, if they're going to praise the virtues of a book (e.g. the Bible) they should first read it and be certain it's worthy of the praise.
Actually I love Veggie Tales! I'm serious! It's not fundie crap, and is very well done.
And even the Bible pisses these bappy fundies off if it's not in God's Authorized Approved Language: King Jimmy English
Of course, because they make sure that the fragments they quote match with the story and their moral, not like you, who pick and quote at random.
Of course they modify the stories. They're for children! Nobody tells children the full and whole truth of Biblical stories.
King David saw Bathsheeba bathing and was full of lust, and he stared at her bouncing, voluminous breasts for a while and decided to rape her....and when he got her pregnant, he had her husband killed and forced her to join his harem.
No, that's not a children's story.
Call Any Vegetable.
But yeah, fundies will definitely go to HELL for watching the television...tool of satan, nothing is safe any more, not even the Sunday megabuckchurch broadcasts...so, back away from that glass teat before it SMITES THEE IN THY WHATSIT!
It is all there. In Lettucicus 3:19
"Thou shalt enjoy salads with tomatoes and cucumbers. These vegetables shall have eyes and mouths placed upon them, and given life. Their purpose is not only to nourish the body, but to nourish the soul.
By reenacting the stories found later in this very book. Also, no cucumber shall lay with another cucumber, as this is an abomination."
@ Tempus
If it doesn't sing hosannahs every other line, they're not going to like it.
It's those "Every OTHER lines" where teh debble gets in edgewise, the deceiving bastard! No siree, Bob, every single line must be godly or we're all going to hell in a handbasket. If ya ain't with god, yer agin him
Well of course they're "disrespectful". VeggieTales, as extremely peachy and corny as it is, preaches a message of love, tolerance and respect. The direct opposite of the mass murdering, bloodthirsty deity of the Old Testament.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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