johnlewisbrooks #fundie

(If your god exists, his "love" would be on the same level as an abusive parent who beats his wife or his children because of alcohol, and then says "See what you made me do?! Why didn't you just love me?!")

Let's look at where ALL of our problems began.Genesis 3. Man and his wife have chosen to rebel against His will, and God says Ok, I'll give you and the rest of your kind the choice, eithercontinue to do what you want and accept the consequences or follow me.

Guess which choice man has ultimately made? They certainly don't choose God, and to say Jesus in front of an atheist might as well be a four etter word!

We will continue to reap this JUST fruit until we turn to Him!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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